Summary: | 碩士 === 高雄醫學院 === 牙醫學研究所 === 85 === Hyaluronan (HYA)為一種負價高分子多醣類, 普遍存在於細胞外間質(
extra-cellular matrix , ECM )及生物體液( biological fluids )中,
能提供細胞的支持作用( cellular support ), 並能調節細胞間的附著(
cell-cell adhesion ), 細胞的特殊方向性(cellular spatial
orientation ), 移動( migration ), 增生( proliferation )與分化(
differentiation )等作用. 在口腔的病變中, 幾乎都與鱗狀上皮細胞相
關, 而HYA在鱗狀細胞( squamous cell )來源的癌症病灶中表現量特別
多. 至於口腔黏膜下纖維化 ( oral submucous fibrosis, OSF )則是黏
膜下的結締組織產生病變, HYA的表現量也大於正常組織. HYA為何與OSF,
verrucus hyperplasia, hyper-parakeratosis, acanthosis等上皮癌前
病變組織, 及SCC等不同起源的病變皆相關, 也是一個有趣的問題. 為了
解在OSF,上皮癌前病變組織及SCC中, HYA的分佈情況, 並探討其功能, 我
們利用免疫組織化學法, 將口腔病變組織與正常口腔組織中的HYA顯現出
來, 並加以觀察討論. 由本實驗結果可發現, 在OSF及其他癌前病變,
如verrucus hyperplasia, leukoplakia等組織中, 皆含中等量的HYA. 在
OSF中, HYA分佈在上皮與結締組織之間, 小血管壁以及血管周圍的結締組
織上, 而纖維化的基質也呈現HYA染色, 但並非均勻染色. 而癌前病變中,
HYA的分佈與OSF類似, 但結締組織的染色比較深; 有趣的是在有複層鱗狀
上皮細胞增生情形的組織中, 部份的鱗狀上皮細胞呈現較為濃染的現象.
在SCC組織中, 則含有大量HYA, 整個組織基質皆呈濃染, 且染色區域並無
上皮與結締組織的分別. 在腫瘤細胞較為活躍的區域, 則是呈現出極度的
濃染, 顯示該區域HYA的濃度非常高. 這些結果說明了HYA可能在形成OSF
及其他癌前病變, 如verrucus hyperplasia, leukoplakia等的過程中佔
有重要地位, 而在SCC中, HYA則是能形成一良好環境, 以利癌細胞的增
生, 移行及侵犯作用.
Hyaluronan (HYA) is a negatively charged, high molecular
weightpolysaccharide which is ubiquitously distributed in the
extracellular matrix (ECM) and biological fluids. It could
provide the cellular support and regulatethe cell-cell adhesion,
cellular spatial orientation, migration, proliferation and
differentiation, etc. The expression of HYA is extensively
large in the squamous cell origin cancer lesions. Almost all the
oral lesions are involved with squamous cells. But the oral
submucous fibrosis (OSF) is a lesion that is involved in the
submucous connective tissue, the expression of HYA in OSF is
also higher than that in normal tissue. It is interesting to
discuss the role of HYA in the OSF, oral epithelial precancerous
lesions such as verrucus hyperplasia, hyperparakeratosis,
acanthosis, and SCC. In order to understand the distribution and
the function of HYA in the tissues mentioned above, we used the
immunohistochemistry method to detect it. We found that in
tissues of OSF and oral epithelial precancerous lesions, the
amount of HYA was moderate. In OSF, HYA was distributed between
the epithelium and connective tissue , in the wall of blood
vessels and the perivascular connective tissues. HYA was also
distributed in the fibrotic tissue stroma but not evenly. The
distribution of HYA in the precancerous lesions was similar to
that in OSF, but the intensity of stain was stronger in the
connective tissue. Interestingly, in the tissues with stratified
squamous epithelial hyperplasia, intense staining was found in
some of the squamous cells. In tissues of SCC, large amount of
HYA was found and the tissue stroma was stained deeply but not
evenly. The staining areas include the epithelium and the
connective tissue. The peripheral area of the tumor lesion,
where the tumor cells were active and invasive, was stained
deeply, that in that area the concentration of HYA was very
high. All of these results demonstrate that HYA may be
importantly involved in the development of OSF and the oral
epithelial precancerous lesions such as verrucus hyperplasia,
hyperparakeratosis, acanthosis, and in SCC. HYA could provide an
environment to favor the tumor cell proliferation, migration and