Summary: | This is a preliminary study of a new and unnamed attachment scale. The scale consists of 160 Likert-type items on a 4 point scale. Item generation was based upon the states of mind scales contained within the Adult Attachment Inventory (AAI) and upon the authors own clinical experience. Item response modeling was used to generate item parameter estimates for items in each of the three main attachment classifications: avoidant, secure, and entangled. Parameter estimates were based upon the responses of 484 participants. Additionally, parameter estimates for 9 categories that may be indicative of an unresolved classification were established from the responses of 792 participants. Initial sample distributions of attachment classification closely reflect the established population distributions for the AAI. As the AAI is currently the only validated measure of adult attachment, and its use can incur a cost of $500 per participant, this unnamed scale may prove to be a low-cost alternative to the assessment of adult attachment. This scale may facilitate the research of adult attachment and allow for screening in real-world situations (e.g., adoption) where the cost of the AAI prohibits its use.