Summary: | <p> Conventional wisdom suggests attending the first day of class matters with regard to student course completion and final course grade. However, relatively little quantitative research exists on the effects of attending or not attending the first day of class (Wilson & Wilson, 2007; Henslee, Burgess, & Buskist, 2006; Iannarelli, Bardsley, & Foote, 2010). Qualitative research on student perceptions of the value and importance of the first day is also limited. Looking at past research and literature on student engagement, social constructivism, late registration, attendance policies, and first-day class design, this study explored the relationship between first-day attendance and student course success for first-time English composition students at a small, rural community college. While first-day attendance alone may not be a strong predictor of course success, results of this study have the potential to help both students and colleges by informing enrollment management policies and procedures, professional development efforts for instructors to promote positive first-day experiences, and incentives for students that promote first-day attendance.</p>