Summary: | Agricol is a South African seed company that offers a wide range of seed
products that includes sunflower, maize, pastures and turf grasses. The addition
of a new sweet forage sorghum hybrid to the current forage sorghum product
range prompted an investigation into the differentiation between the different
forage sorghum groups, and their application in South Africa. A literature study
was conducted to identify the characteristics of the different forage sorghum
groups available, and their application in different production systems in South
Africa. The study indicated that sweet sorghum is the most versatile forage
sorghum available and that it can be used for grazing, silage and foggage in
winter. A questionnaire was constructed to determine what farmers perceive as
the most important characteristics of forage sorghum. The results indicate that
high yield and quality are the most important characteristics when selecting a
forage sorghum for silage. For grazing, the results indicated that frequent cutting
and fast re-growth ability are the most important characteristics. The results also
indicated what the most popular forage sorghum groups are. A need for the
addition of a Pennisetum glaucum hybrid to the current product range was
identified. A marketing plan for Agricol's forage sorghum product was compiled,
using the market information available and the results of the literature and
empirical studies. The marketing plan consists of market analysis, marketing
strategy, financial analysis and control strategy. A five-year sales target was set
Conclusions and recommendation were made regarding the results of the study. === MBA, North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2009