Summary: | This study utilizes the inductive qualitative research approach to explore the
lived experiences of parents in the Roxbury neighborhood in seeking secondary school options
for their children. This study found that Roxbury parents have a diversity of experience.
Roxbury parents are not a monolith. The diversity of their personal experiences is seen in
their own academic journeys, as well as their pursuit for secondary school options for their
children. Moreover, it was found that Roxbury parents are willing to explore all secondary
options. When discussing secondary school options, these parents showed a willingness to
explore all of the schools, districts, and programs available to them. Additionally, it was
fond that Roxbury parents value cultural competency in education. Finally, the opinions of
parents and family members are influential. These Roxbury parents relied heavily on the
opinions of other parents and family members to serve as their contextual information on a
particular school district, school, or program. The outcomes of this study can be utilized
to inform future research on the experiences of Boston parents seeking secondary school
options for their children. Moreover, the outcomes can be utilized to compare and contrast
these experiences across neighborhoods.--Author's abstract