Summary: | <p>Hidden undesired functionality is an unavoidable reality in any complex hardware or
software component. Undesired functionality deliberately introduced Trojan horses or
accidentally introduced bugsin any component of a system can be exploited by attackers
to exert control over the system. This poses a serious security risk to systemsespecially
in the ever growing number of systems based on networks of computers.</p>
<p>The approach adopted in this dissertation to secure systems seeks immunity from hidden
functionality. Specifically, if a minimal trusted computing base (TCB) for any system
can be identified, and if we can eliminate hidden functionality in the TCB, all desired
assurances regarding the operation of the system can be guaranteed. More specifically,
the desired assurances are guaranteed even if undesired functionality may exist in every
component of the system <I>outside</I> the TCB.</p>
<p>A broad goal of this dissertation is to characterize the TCB for various systems as <I>a
set of functions executed by a trusted security kernel.</I> Some constraints are deliberately
imposed on the security kernel functionality to reduce the risk of hidden functionality
inside the security kernel.</p>
<p>In the security model adopted in this dissertation, any system is seen as an interconnection
of subsystems, where each subsystem is associated with a security kernel. The
security kernel for a subsystem performs only the bare minimal tasks required to assure
the integrity of the tasks performed by the subsystem.</p>
<p>Even while the security kernel functionality may be different for each system/subsystem,
it is essential to identify reusable components of the functionality that are suitable for a
wide range of systems. The contribution of the research is a versatile data-structure
Ordered Merkle Tree (OMT), which can act as the reusable component of various security
kernels. The utility of OMT is illustrated by designing security kernels for subsystems
participating in, 1) a remote file storage system, 2) a generic content distribution system,
3) generic look-up servers, 4) mobile ad-hoc networks and 5) the Internets routing infrastructure
based on the border gateway protocol (BGP).</p>