Summary: | Through its Global Transmission Network, Societe Internationale de Telecommunications Aeronautiques (SITA) provides Aeronautical Telecommunications related to Safety of Air Navigation, Flight Planning Reservations etc., to two hundred and forty-three airlines of one hundred and fifty-four Nations. === Comprehensive comparison of SITA with two Governmental Institutions--International Maritime Satellite Organisation (INMARSAT) and European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL)--reveals no substantive dissimilarity. All three possess infrastructures worth millions of dollars, operate transnationally and in areas beyond National Jurisdiction, and supply Telecommunications Services to Private Persons on a non-profit basis. === Other than "Form", no rationale emerges for endowment of International Legal Personality and related Privileges and Immunities on INMARSAT and EUROCONTROL. The Author proposes specification of "objective" criteria, whereunder an Institution, Governmental or not, can claim an International Legal Status commensurate with the Essentiality of its International Function to the Nations and Peoples of the world.