Summary: | Demographic and migration characteristics of riberenos , the largest population group in the Amazon Basin, have been neglected by scholars until recently. This thesis explores the determinants and consequences of migration in the Pacaya-Samina National Reserve (PSNR), northeastern Peruvian Amazon. Our findings suggest that migration reduces the rate of population growth and alters household composition. Logit and probit models show that migration in the area is determined by individual characteristics (i.e., education level of migrants and sibling structure), household factors (i.e., family age-sex composition, kingroup size, age of male head of household, education level of male and female heads of household, illness experience, initial extraction skills, initial non-land assets, and livelihood activity reliance), and community features (land endowments and the presence of a secondary school). Multiple regressions (OLS) further reveal that the household age-sex composition and migration characteristics influence resource use. Migration features seem to be more positively associated with agricultural production and resource extraction, and negatively related with fish production. This research improves our understanding of traditional people in the PSNR area.