Summary: | The Tafsir, an Arabic commentary on the Qur'an attributed to Sahl At-Tustari (d.283/896), a Muslim mystic of classical Sufism, represents a compendium of his mystical ideas compiled by a group of disciples at the end of the 3rd/9th century. The textual study of the manuscripts of the Tafsir, the collation of the Uaq'iq at-tafsir of Sulami (d.412/1021) and the examination of the "Tustari-tradition" of the Sufi sources demonstrate the Tafsir as the principal and oldest work of the authentic Tustari-tradition. Tustari's vision of God and man which emerges from the Tafsir is marked by a coherent system of thought and a personal terminology. [...] === Le Tafsir, commentaire arabe du Coran attribué à Sahl At-Tustari (n.283/896), mystique [...]