Summary: | Light Traveller is motivated by the works of Czech photographer Josef Sudek. Masterfully portraying contrasts of light and dark in his black and white photography, Sudek has been described as a “traveler in light” for his photography work. In creating this orchestral composition, I was interested in exploring compositional methods that aurally express how Sudek manages space, texture, and most specifically the use of light and dark variances in his photos. I consulted specific collections of photographs from his body of work. The subject materials in these photographs became metaphors that I explored sonically.
Light Traveller is structured into four main sections: a beginning section, two middle sections, a final section that recapitulates ideas from the first section, and lastly a coda at the end of the final section. This work embraces measured and deliberate pacing, and is mainly concerned with exploring the range of timbre and resonance possibilities that the orchestra is capable of creating. The composition utilizes static harmonies and slowly unfolding harmonic changes. Quarter tones are employed as a means of expanding the colour and harmonic palette used for this composition. Differing textures are generated through intricate rhythmic materials, gradually moving materials, and static material.