Summary: | A self-contained gas injection system for the Divertor Material Evaluation System (DiMES) on DIII-D, the Porous Plug Injector (PPI), has been employed by A. McLean for in-situ study of chemical erosion in the tokamak divertor environment by injection of CH4. The principal contribution of the present thesis is a new interpretive code, 3D-DIVIMP(HC), which has been developed and successfully applied to the interpretation of the CH, C I, and C II emissions measured during the PPI experiments. The two principal types of experimental data which are compared here with 3D-DIVIMP(HC) code modeling are (a) absolute emissivities measured with a high resolution spectrometer, and (b) 2D filtered camera (TV) pictures taken from a view essentially straight down on the PPI. Incorporating the Janev-Reiter database for the breakup reactions of methane molecules in a plasma, 3D-DIVIMP(HC) is able to replicate these measurements to within the combined experimental and database uncertainties. It is therefore concluded that the basic elements of the physics and chemistry controlling the breakup of methane entering an attached divertor plasma have been identified and are incorporated in 3D-DIVIMP(HC).