Summary: | Feedforward self-modeling (FF-SM), the process of viewing an edited video of the self- performing above one’s current ability (Dowrick, 1999), has been shown to be an effective tool for enhancing athletes’ competitive performance (Ste-Marie, Rymal, Vertes, & Martini, 2011). At 3 consecutive competitions, 9 trampolinists aged 9-16 years old were provided a FF-SM video of their trampoline routine one hour prior to competing and were provided the opportunity to control their viewings at their leisure. On average, the trampolinists viewed their videos 5 times per competition at 2 different time intervals. Interviews revealed that they perceived the video enhanced their performance. They indicated they chose to watch it to assist with skill execution; although, self-reported outcomes did include increased motor execution, increased self-efficacy, use of task strategies, and adaptive inferences. Throughout the span of the intervention, the trampolinists reported changes in their use of imagery, self-talk, and self-observation.