Summary: | The objective of this thesis is to test the usefulness of a new processing technique in enhancing seismic events. The principal technique is a weighted differential stack ( WDS ) assuming uniform moveout for the expected arrivals. This technique is applied to selected records from a near-continuous crustal seismic refraction survey conducted near the Manitoba-Ontario boundary to the east of Lake Winnipeg, during the periods of June to July, 1967 and May to June, 1968. The records are obtained from stations P30 to P40 and P48 to P59 ( as indicated in the field books of this survey ) which were previously digitized, filtered, and recorded on two separate 800 bpi tapes. The results obtained are very satisfactory. There is a definite improvement in the resolution of the arrivals over those observed on the original playback records and the sections given by Hajnal ( 1970 ). The WDS traces not only confirm the existence of the events interpreted as Pg, P*, PP, Pn, and PPPP by Hajnal ( 1970 ) on the records but also show the presence of two other events, referrred to as X1 and X2, not previously identified by Hajnal on the same records.