Summary: | The Flin Flon Mining Camp lies in The Pas Mining district, Northern Manitoba, Canada, at approximately Latitude 54o45', Longitude 102o west from Greenwich. The ore-body is about seven miles east of the Second Meridian, and lies on the Saskatchewan-Manitoba boundary the major portion being in the latter province. Complete reports of the district, its history, physiography, and general geology have been given by Dr. K.L. Bruce, Dr. R.C. Wallace and others. A brief description of the discovery and subsequent development of the property would, however, seem pertinent to the present discussion. The Flin Flon and Mandy ore deposits were discovered in 1915. The latter, though smaller, had early attention owing to the high qualtty of its ore, and the war-time prices prevailing for copper. In consequence it received wide publicity and has been well described. Unfortunately, while there are points of similarity between the two ore-bodies and a probable correspondence of origin, these bodies do not warrant a close comparison in the present state of knowledge of this field....