Summary: | In the lives of communities, as in the lives of men arise moments of almost overpowering difficulty and stress, the overcoming of which builds and strengthens the fibres of manhood and nationhood. From the crucible wherein the heated passions of sectionalism and the pressing need of communications reacted upon one another, where personal interest and unselfish idealism each played a part, emerged Canadian nationality. Dr. Tupper said of the union of British America, - "I believe that to be a question which far transcends in its difficulties the power of human advocacy to accomplish - I am not insensible to the feeling that the time may not be far distant when events which are far more powerful than any human advocacy may place British America in a position to render a union into one compact whole, not only practicable but absolutely necessary....." We are thrilled at the mention of thirty-three high minded patriots who guided the forces which made our Canada. Canadians of today have risen to the occasion in doing these men the honor they justly deserve. Yet the thirty-fourth Father of Confederation, though recognized by history, has not been sufficiently appreciated by the public mind. It is indeed a matter of conjecture, whether or not we would have celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of the Dominion of Canada had it not been for that peculiar set of circumstances - the problems underlying the achievement of Confederation....