Summary: | The purpose of this study was to investigate the process of remaining a non-smoker
used by adolescent females. Grounded theory was used as the research methodology to
guide this qualitative study. Through the use of theoretical sampling, data was collected
from seventeen female adolescents through audiotaped interviews. The findings of the
study revealed that the girls proceeded through a three-phase process in order to remain a
non-smoker. The main theme underpinning the entire process was found to be the
development of self-confidence. The girls each possessed their own individual degree of
self-confidence which enable them to commence the process by first making sense of
smoking. Subsequently, the girls proceeded to phase two, rejecting smoking, only after
they had decided that smoking served no purpose in their lives. Successfully rejecting
smoking enabled two things to happen; 1) self-confidence increased and 2) one became
known as a non-smoker. Finally, the girls were able to declare themselves to be nonsmokers,
signaling the completion of the process of remaining a non-smoker. Three
intervening conditions being busy, having support, and peer pressure to fit in were
identified which influenced both the development of self-confidence and the progress of the
process of remaining a non-smoker. By studying the experiences of non-smoking female
adolescents, the investigator discovered that some girls do implement a process for
remaining non-smokers. Interestingly, these girls were quite unaware of the process they
were utilizing. This would imply that there may be value in fostering an awareness in
adolescents and the people who interact with them that indeed there is a process occurring
that empowers teenagers to be successful at remaining smoke-free. By learning more about
this process, more adolescents could be prepared for what they may experience and then health care professionals could better support and foster their efforts to proceed on a path
of remaining smoke-free.