Summary: | Area samples for gases and metals were taken at 10 sites from each of five categories: professional studios, recreation centres, elementary schools, secondary schools, and colleges. Reported concentrations are in ug/m3 unless otherwise specified. Means and maxima are reported for substances detectable at 50% or more of all sites: nitrogen dioxide (0.021 ppm, 0.060 ppm), aluminum (1.13, 15.6), barium (0.015, 0.091), boron (0.534, 5.25), iron (0.549, 4.04),
manganese (0.013, 0.094). Only maximum values are reported for substances with fewer than 25 of the 50 measurements above detection limits: sulfur
dioxide (0.508 ppm), fluorides (0.152 ppm), formaldehyde (0.102 ppm), carbon
monoxide (7 ppm), antimony (0.010), beryllium (0.002), cadmium (0.114), chromium (0.431), cobalt (0.169), copper (0.002), lead (0.208), lithium (0.015), magnesium (4.25), mercury (0.017), nickel (0.291), selenium (0.249), silver (0.003), vanadium (5.22), and zinc (1.50). There were no detectable levels of arsenic or
gold. Personal metal exposures were sampled at 24 sites. Means and maxima are reported for metals present at more than 50% of all sites. Where more than 50% of all values are below detection limits, only maxima are reported. Aluminum (7.82, 62.8), barium (0.085, 0.368), beryllium (0.005) boron (0.655, 3.89), cadmium (0.999), chromium (0.306), cobalt (0.069, 0.863), copper (0.075, 0.312), iron (2.51, 27.0), lead (0.788), lithium (0.125), magnesium (1.87, 9.57), manganese (0.056,0.174), nickel (0.175), silver (1.76), zinc (0.359,3.58). There were no detectable levels of antimony, arsenic, gold, mercury, selenium, or vanadium. In general, measured concentrations were well below North American
occupational limits. Personal metal exposures tended to exceed kiln area concentrations,
suggesting other important sources of metal exposure. Small, ventilated kiln rooms, with contaminant concentrations ranking
among the highest measured, indicate a potential for higher contamination. Industrial exhaust hoods accompanied by HVAC systems proved the
most effective ventilation strategy.