Summary: | In this research study, the experience of having a heroic figure and
associations with identity status are explored. Seven young women in
Grade 12 were interviewed using a semi-structured, open-ended
interview regarding their experience of having a heroic figure. This was
followed by each participant being interviewed using the Clinical Identity
Interview as developed by Marcia (1966) and adapted by Josselson
(1987). Each heroic figure interview was analyzed using hermeneutic
analysis, involving the isolation of meaning units (Giorgi, 1975) with the
discovery of inherent themes. Five super ordinate themes and five
subordinate themes which revolved around the roles played by the
heroic figures in the lives of the participants were reported and
discussed. The identity interviews were analyzed by an experienced
independent researcher. Participants were assigned primary and
secondary identity statuses and associations between identity status of
participants and the functions of the heroic figure as experienced by
participants were made. The results of this study provide support for the
research which shows that women form their identity in connection with
others, and often within the context of relationships. They also suggest
that there is some association between the role the heroic figure plays in
the life of the participant and the identity status of the participant. Heroic
figures in this study helped young women work through crisis and explore alternatives and options, while also providing a safe place and a
sense of belonging and connection to those young women who were
only beginning their exploration.