Summary: | While Hong Kong immigrant families consist of both parents living with children, Hong
Kong astronaut families consist of one or both parents living in Hong Kong, with the eldest child
participating in decision making and care of siblings in the country of immigration. The purpose
of this study was to see if decision style (role, influence, and sources of assistance) is affected by
type of decision (personal and family), family type (astronaut and immigrant), and ethnic identity
(Canadian, Hong Kong Chinese, and Mixed identity). Decision style was coded into one of five
pre-established categories (Unilateral-Dependent, Shared-Protective, Autonomous-Protective,
Autonomous-Independent, and Mixed) adapted from Carlson and Grossbart's (1988) parental
style model. Underlying themes unique to all participants and astronauts were also identified.
Ten young women (4 astronauts and 6 immigrants) chose to participate in this study. Descriptive
information was obtained via a screening document, and semi-structured interviews were
transcribed and audio taped. A second reader was trained to ensure that the decision styles of the
young women were appropriately coded. Cohen's kappa was calculated at 0.95. The
independent variable that had the strongest pattern with decision style was type of decision,
followed by family type. Ethnic identity did not have a pattern with decision style. Type of
decision revealed that the participants had more independence in their personal decisions than
their family decisions, with the exception of "Responsibilities Over Siblings" decisions. Family
type revealed that astronaut parents were more likely to have shared the role and influence with
their eldest daughters, while immigrant young women were more likely to have decided
"Responsibilities Over Siblings" decisions on their own. Key underlying themes across all
participants included: satisfaction with personal and family decisions, and quicker adaptation to
Canada and the English language, which lead to their increased participation in personal and
family decisions post-migration. Key underlying astronaut themes were related to parental
absence (increased young astronauts' participation in minor family decisions) and presence
(reduced young astronauts' participation in family decisions), and the expectation by family
members for young astronauts to provide female household tasks.