Summary: | Parengtas bakalauro baigiamasis darbas yra skirtas suprojektuoti ir pagaminti automatinio rezervo įjungimo skydo prototipą, kurį būtų galima naudoti laboratoriniams darbams universitete.Šio darbo paskirtis yra papildyti elektros aparatų discipliną dar vienu, dažnai sutinkamu ir naudojamu visame pasaulyje stendu, paaiškinant jo veikimo principą, galimybes. Darbe aiškiai yra išdėstomos visos stendo dalys, stendui keliami reikalavimai, parodomos principinė ir valdymo schemos, paaiškinamas detalus veikimas, stendo valdiklio programos algoritmas. Taip pat supažindinama su Lucas-neulle mokomuoju dviejų atskirų tiekimo linijų stendu, parodant visas jo sudedamąsias dalis ir jas trumpai paaiškinant. === ATS helps to avoid serious problems in healthcare facilities for example by the same time when surgery is being held to save human lives and power supply interference occurs, it safely automatically switches power supply mains with no effect to the user. In industry it helps to avoid any power supply problems which every single of them could lead to destruction of expensive machinery or even harm people. Considering problems occurring in power supply lines, this was a great inspiration to produce automatic transfer switch prototype as my Bachelors degree thesis. Since Electrical Engineering Department had no real ATS system prototype before, it will surely supply existing basis and will help students to gain useful experience. Furthermore, all the details about ATS are expounded and will lead to full understanding of the system.