Summary: | Šiame darbe detaliai išanalizuotas klaidos skleidimo atgal algoritmas, atlikti tyrimai. Išsamiai analizuota neuroninių tinklų teorija. Algoritmui taikyti ir analizuoti sistemoje Visual Studio Web Developer 2008 sukurta programa su įvairiais tyrimo metodais, padedančiais ištirti algoritmo daromą klaidą. Taip pat naudotasi Matlab 7.1 sistemos įrankiais neuroniniams tinklams apmokyti. Tyrimo metu analizuotas daugiasluoksnis dirbtinis neuroninis tinklas su vienu paslėptu sluoksniu. Tyrimams naudoti gėlių irisų ir oro taršos duomenys. Atlikti gautų rezultatų palyginimai. === The present work provides an in-depth analysis of the error back-propagation algorithm, as well as information on the investigation carried out. A neural network theory has been analysed in detail. For the application and analysis of the algorithm in the system Visual Studio Web Developer 2008, a program has been developed with various investigation methods, which help to research into the error of the algorithm. For training neural networks, Matlab 7.1 tools have been used. In the course of the investigation, a multilayer artificial neural network with one hidden layer has been analysed. For the purpose of the investigation, data on irises (plants) and air pollution have been used. Comparisons of the results obtained have been made.