Summary: | O presente trabalho apresenta a análise dos estatutos bancários aprovados na década de 1850 no Brasil Império, considerando a trama de negociações entre o governo central e os governos provinciais, bem como a forma de inserção do Brasil na economia mundial do Século XIX, liderada pela hegemonia britânica e por ela influenciada, de modo a identificar a evolução do direito comercial brasileiro com vistas ao desenvolvimento jurídico do tema bancário durante a década proposta.
This essay regards the analysis of Brazilian banks bylaws as approved by the Brazilian Empire during the decade of 1850, taking into account the plot which developed the negotiations between the central government of the Empire and the regional political powers in Brazil, as well as analyzing the insertion of the Brazilian economy in the global market of the nineteenth century, as such market was mainly controlled and biased by the world hegemony established by Great Britain, in order to identify the evolution of Brazilian commercial law in connection with the development of the legal banking system during the proposed decade.