?Aqui ? tudo uma rama de maxixe?: experi?ncias de trabalhadores rendeiros da Fazenda Engenho Sururu, Varzedo-BA (1970-2000)

Submitted by Verena Bastos (verena@uefs.br) on 2015-10-06T14:27:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTA??O VIVIANE ASSIS OK.pdf: 7532449 bytes, checksum: b41f94657e495fb683311861fb401b98 (MD5) === Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-06T14:27:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTA??O VIVIANE ASSIS OK....

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Assis, Viviane Andrade de
Other Authors: Santana, Charles D' Almeida
Format: Others
Published: Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana 2015
Online Access:http://localhost:8080/tede/handle/tede/225
Summary:Submitted by Verena Bastos (verena@uefs.br) on 2015-10-06T14:27:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTA??O VIVIANE ASSIS OK.pdf: 7532449 bytes, checksum: b41f94657e495fb683311861fb401b98 (MD5) === Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-06T14:27:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTA??O VIVIANE ASSIS OK.pdf: 7532449 bytes, checksum: b41f94657e495fb683311861fb401b98 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-20 === Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES === This text has as object to present the experiences of renters workers of the Engenho Sururu farm, located at the city of Varzedo, Bahia?s Rec?ncavo. Interests the work relationships of this renters through the constitution of an oral agreement with Humberto Guedes de Ara?jo ? the farm owner that was donated in the eighteenth century through the grant of sesmarias. The rural lease was signed between those who owned the land and who would worked on it. The landowner guaranteed the access to the land and established the conditions to stay in the lease. And the renter had to obligation to pay the rent, which guaranteed the right to live with his family as only in the mud houses and to plant subsistence farming in the leasehold lands. The study of this process allowed to understand how this relationship, based on an oral contract, poor living conditions, working and too in the solidarity, constituted itself as a reinvention of the exploration and resistance in the country. In that farm, these relationships appear to have been undertaken since when it housed workers in slave conditions, possibly, the ancestors of many of the families that still living there. From the analysis of these experiences mediated by oral narratives, the aim of this work is to understand about the land rights of the families that rented the lands of the Engenho Sururu farm, who live and work there for some generations, constituting, therefore, the ties of kindred among the community members, which is an element that gives the group unit, that is, "rama de maxixe" === Este texto tem como objetivo apresentar as experi?ncias de trabalhadores rendeiros da Fazenda Engenho Sururu, localizada no munic?pio de Varzedo, Rec?ncavo da Bahia. Interessam aqui as rela??es de trabalho destes sujeitos a partir da vigora??o do acordo oral de arrendamento com Humberto Guedes de Ara?jo ? propriet?rio da referida fazenda que foi doada no s?culo XVIII atrav?s de concess?o de sesmarias. O arrendamento rural era realizado entre quem possu?a a terra e quem iria trabalhar nela. O propriet?rio das terras concedia acesso ? terra e estabelecia as condi??es para permanecer no sistema de arrendamento. E o rendeiro tinha a obriga??o de pagar a renda, consequentemente garantia o direito de sua fam?lia morar t?o somente em casas de taipa e plantar lavoura de subsist?ncia nas terras arrendadas. O estudo deste processo permite entender como essa rela??o, baseada no contrato oral, nas prec?rias condi??es de moradia, trabalho, e tamb?m na solidariedade e mutualismo entre os trabalhadores, se constitui em reinven??es da explora??o e resist?ncia no campo. Na referida fazenda, essas rela??es parecem ter sido empreendidas desde quando a mesma abrigava trabalhadores em condi??o escrava, possivelmente os antepassados de muitas das fam?lias ainda l? residentes. A partir da an?lise dessas experi?ncias mediadas pelas narrativas orais, a proposta deste trabalho ? apreender sobre o direito ? terra das fam?lias rendeiras da Fazenda Engenho Sururu que nela moram e trabalham h? algumas gera??es, constituindo assim,os la?os de aparentados entre os membros da comunidade que ? um elemento que d? unidade ao grupo, ou seja, a ?rama de maxixe?.