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Previous issue date: 2006-02-07 === The purpose of this work was to investigate mentor?s profiles and their influence on Brazilian writers literary production. Personal characteristics and blocks to literary production in writers with mentor and without mentor. The sample was composed of 37 Brazilian?s writers, both gender; ages rangins from 20-89 years coming from different socio-economic levels.The instrument were: inventory and interviews with the writers. Answers to the inventory were submited to content analysis and qualitative evaluation. The results showed that the mentor is the person who has professional ability, technical knowledge, creative spirit, high ethics and moral values, affectivity and does his work with pleasure. The mentor is the guider and behavior?s inspirator in the informal mentoring, and has influence on the style refinament, faciliting the comprehension of methods to the literary creation, technical excellence, encourages the mentee to take risks, to be open for new experiences and to believe in its potential. The mentor contributes to raise contact with mentee?s literary circle. The personal characteristics which mostly contributed to the literary production were: sensibility, own?s writing pleasure, technical knowledge, curiosity, persistence and the belief in its own potential. The internal blocks to literary production were: fear of exposing and critical attitude, economical trouble and related to publishing. === O trabalho investigou o perfil dos mentores e sua influ?ncia na produ??o liter?ria de escritores brasileiros, verificando as caracter?sticas pessoais e as barreiras ao processo de produ??o liter?ria de escritores com mentores e sem mentores. A amostra foi composta por 37 escritores brasileiros, de ambos os sexos, na faixa et?ria de 20 a 89 anos de v?rios n?veis s?cio-econ?micos. Os instrumentos foram: question?rio e entrevistas livres. As respostas ao question?rio foram submetidas ? an?lise de conte?do e avalia??o qualitativa. Os resultados mostraram que o mentor possui compet?ncia profissional, conhecimento t?cnico, esp?rito criativo, elevados valores ?ticos e morais, afetividade e realizam com prazer sua atividade. O mentor ? um orientador inspirador de conduta e exerce influ?ncia no refinamento do estilo, facilitando a compreens?o dos m?todos de cria??o liter?ria e na busca da excel?ncia t?cnica, encorajando o mentoreado a correr riscos, a abrir-se para o novo, incrementando a auto-estima e a ousadia e ampliando o contato com o meio liter?rio. As caracter?sticas pessoais que mais contribuem para o desenvolvimento da produ??o liter?ria s?o: sensibilidade, prazer pela atividade, conhecimento t?cnico, curiosidade, persist?ncia e a cren?a no pr?prio potencial. As barreiras ? produ??o liter?ria s?o: o medo de se expor e o senso cr?tico, as dificuldades econ?micas e as relativas ? publica??o.