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Previous issue date: 2014-06-06 === O audiovisual ? um instrumento de comunica??o midi?tica que exerce papel importante para a
compreens?o cultural, social e pol?tica da sociedade. Buscando identificar a contribui??o do
audiovisual ? cultura potiguar, esta pesquisa procura compreender o processo de produ??o
audiovisual no Rio Grande do Norte. Para isso, foi feito um estudo de caso das atividades do
Coletivo Caminhos, Comunica??o & Cultura ? CC&C ? grupo que realiza a??es culturais no
interior do estado desde 2006, tendo 76% de suas atividades relacionadas a produ??o
audiovisual, destas, 47% s?o oficinas de v?deo. Acompanhou-se a oficina de v?deo do projeto
Semeando Cultura realizado pelo grupo no munic?pio de Venha Ver/RN, em janeiro de 2013,
e analisou-se todo o processo do projeto, da idealiza??o at? sua realiza??o na pr?tica.
Estruturou-se a pesquisa metodologicamente realizando uma an?lise hist?rico-descritiva, de
m?todo hipot?tico-dedutivo, por meio da observa??o participante. Para o desenvolvimento
conceitual e te?rico abordou-se a Sociabilidade, a Etnografia e o Ativismo midi?tico. O
resultado da investiga??o revelou que a??es de produtores audiovisuais independentes est?o
promovendo mudan?as nas pr?ticas audiovisuais potiguares, contribuindo para o acesso ?
cultura audiovisual, em regi?es onde esses conhecimentos s?o restritos ou inexistentes, em
face ?s poucas a??es de pol?ticas p?blicas voltadas ? cultura. Frente ao cen?rio constado na
pesquisa prop?e-se como progn?stico da investiga??o a cria??o do Observat?rio do
Audiovisual Potiguar, uma ferramenta comunicacional que se configura como um espa?o de
informa??es, reflex?es, debates, contatos e divulga??o das a??es e produ??es audiovisuais do
estado. === The audiovisual media is an instrument of communication that plays an important role in the
cultural, social and political understanding of society. This survey was done intenting to
identify the contribution of the audiovisual media to the culture in the Rio Grande do Norte
and trying to understand the process of producing audiovisual in this state. To reach the aim, a
case report was done regard the activities of Caminhos, Comunica??o & Cultura ? CC&C ? a
group that conducts cultural activities in the state since 2006 and has 76% of its activities
related to audiovisual production, in which 47% of them, are video workshops. The video
workshop project "Sowing Culture", held by the group in the city of Venha Ver/RN in
January 2013, was observed and analised from its conception to its realization. The research
pursued to reveal how the initiatives of independent producers, such as the CC&C group, can
promote the access to audiovisual culture in regions where such knowledge is limited or nonexistent,
due to the poor state policies related to the culture. Methodologically, the research
was structured by performing a historical and descriptive analysis of hypothetical-deductive
method through participant observation. For the conceptual and theoretical development, it
was addressed the Sociability, Ethnography and media activism. The research proved that the
independent audiovisual producers are promoting changes in the RN audiovisual practices.
Before the background featured in the research, it is proposed a prognostic from researching
to opening the RN Audiovisual Observatory, a communicational tool projected as space of
sharing information, thinking, speaking, contacting and promoting the audiovisual
productions of the state.