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JoselidiaDeOliveiraMarinho_DISSERT.pdf: 4224898 bytes, checksum: c1dc5a39ec98219a94d1342a2bdab065 (MD5) === Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-09T22:00:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
JoselidiaDeOliveiraMarinho_DISSERT.pdf: 4224898 bytes, checksum: c1dc5a39ec98219a94d1342a2bdab065 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-08-01 === Esse escrito focaliza a socializa??o inicial docente na Educa??o Infantil a partir do reconhecimento daquela como uma fase de um ciclo de vida profissional que se distingue das demais etapas da carreira dos professores. Fundamenta-se nos estudos de cunho sociol?gico e antropol?gico, com a compreens?o de que a realidade profissional ? constru?da igualmente por pr?ticas cotidianas de intera??es sociais no meio ambiente de trabalho. Objetivou-se compreender como ocorre o processo inicial de constru??o da cultura profissional das professoras principiantes na educa??o infantil, sob um olhar voltado para os aspectos organizacionais e din?micos da atividade docente (acontecimentos, intera??es, pr?ticas, saberes, tens?es e dilemas). Esta investiga??o, assumindo as orienta??es de uma abordagem de tipo etnogr?fico, foi desenvolvida num Centro Municipal de Educa??o Infantil da rede municipal de Natal-RN, com creche e pr?-escola. Os sujeitos participantes s?o quatro professoras que t?m menos de cinco anos de carreira na Educa??o Infantil. Utilizou-se a observa??o participante e a entrevista semiestruturada na constru??o dos dados, aos quais interpretamos por meio da an?lise de conte?do e triangula??o de fontes. Delineamos tr?s dimens?es para os cen?rios da cultura profissional: o perfil pessoal e formativo dos sujeitos, o cotidiano escolar e a gest?o do trabalho docente. O car?ter multiforme dos achados evidencia que a cultura profissional das professoras principiantes tem se constitu?do a partir da confronta??o com as diversas situa??es de imprevisibilidade em suas emo??es, rotinas e dificuldades, pedag?gicas e administrativas, simultaneamente aos dilemas do cuidar e do educar a crian?a. O sentimento de solid?o tem sido gerado a partir da organiza??o institucional e escolar, a qual n?o lhes oferece condi??es materiais e pedag?gicas para a colabora??o e discuss?o entre os pares. Enfim, entende-se que a doc?ncia na Educa??o Infantil deve estar baseada numa rede de rela??es alargadas, sendo imprescind?vel aos principiantes o apoio e a orienta??o em rela??o ?s d?vidas, anseios e expectativas, como meio de socializa??o e ressignifica??o de sua pr?tica docente. === This paper focalizes the initial teacher socialization in the Infantile Education from the
acknowledgement about that as a phase of a professional life cycle on distinguish of other
steps in the teachers? carrier. It is based on the studies of sociological and anthropological
mark with the comprehension that the professional reality is equally constructed by daily
practices of social interactions in the work environment. It aims understanding how the initial
process of professional culture building of beginners in the infantile education occurs under a
view toward to the organizational and dynamics aspects of the teacher activity (events,
interactions, practices, wisdoms, tensions and dilemmas). This investigation assuming the
orientations of an ethnographic type approach has been developed in a Municipal Center of
Infantile Education (Centro Municipal de Educa??o Infantil) in the city of Natal, with daycare
and pre-school. The participant subjects are four female teachers with less than five years in
Infantile Education career. It has used a participant observation and a semi-structured
interview in the data building that had interpreted through a content analysis and sources
triangulation. It delineates three dimensions to the professional culture scenarios: the personal
and formative profile of the subjects, the school daily and the teacher work management. The
multiform character of the finds evidences that the professional culture of the novice teachers
has been constituted from the confrontation with different situations of unpredictably in their
emotions, routines and pedagogical and administrative difficulties, simultaneously to the
dilemmas of child care and educate. The solitude feeling has been generating from the
institutional and scholar organization, which offers no material and pedagogical conditions to
the peers collaboration and discussion. Finally it means that teaching in the Infantile
Education must been based on an expanding network relations, been indispensable to the
beginners the support and orientation related to doubts, wistfulness and expectations as means
of socializing and redefining their teaching practice