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Previous issue date: 2015-07-01 === Trata o presente trabalho de AvaliaÁ„o de Desempenho no contexto organizacional do Ifes. O
objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a atitude dos gestores (chefias imediatas) e dos servidores
tÈcnico-administrativos (TAE) das classes C, D e E do IFES campus Linhares quanto ‡
AvaliaÁ„o de Desempenho utilizada no Instituto. Permite uma reflex„o crÌtica sobre como a
atitude dos envolvidos no processo de AvaliaÁ„o de Desempenho influencia os resultados
obtidos. Buscou-se destacar como este instrumento È utilizado nas organizaÁıes,
demonstrando alguns tipos de avaliaÁ„o existentes. Foram pesquisadas leis, decretos e
resoluÁıes que tratam sobre o tema no Brasil. Participaram da pesquisa 31 tÈcnicoadministrativos
e 12 chefias imediatas. Trata-se de um estudo empÌrico quali-quantitativo
referente a AvaliaÁ„o de Desempenho utilizada no Instituto Federal do EspÌrito Santo ñ
campus Linhares. AlÈm da aplicaÁ„o de question·rios, os dados empÌricos foram produzidos
por meio de pesquisa documental, realizada atravÈs da observaÁ„o das ˙ltimas avaliaÁıes
realizadas. Observou-se que a AvaliaÁ„o de Desempenho utilizada atualmente no campus È
um modelo semelhante ‡ escala gr·fica. Os resultados mostraram necessidade de mudanÁas na
avaliaÁ„o e vis„o predominantemente burocr·tica. Para os TAE, percebeu-se o desejo de
avaliar a chefia imediata e o receio quanto ‡ subjetividade existente na avaliaÁ„o. Quanto ‡s
chefias imediatas, observou-se a existÍncia de uma dificuldade ao avaliar. De forma comum
em ambas categorias estudadas, observou-se uma insatisfaÁ„o quanto ‡ maneira de avaliaÁ„o
utilizada. O resultado demonstrou a AvaliaÁ„o de Desempenho a-crÌtica e cartorial e que n„o
resulta em melhorias efetivas do desempenho humano, e consequÍntemente, do serviÁo
p˙blico. Diante desses resultados, a presente pesquisa pretendeu colaborar para o avanÁo das
demais pesquisas na ·rea de Gest„o P˙blica, atravÈs de uma reflex„o mais profunda a respeito
da import‚ncia da atitude dos gestores e servidores participantes de um processo de AvaliaÁ„o
de Desempenho, principalmente, nesse tipo de organizaÁ„o === This study deals with Performance Assessment at work in the organizational context of the
IFES. The objective of this study was to investigate the attitude of managers (immediate
supervisors), of technical and of administrative staff (TAE) of C, D and E career levels at
IFES campus Linhares towards the Performance Evaluation used at the Institute. It allows a
critical reflection on how the attitude of those involved in the Performance Assessment
process influenced on the results obtained. We sought to highlight how this instrument is used
at the organizations, demonstrating some existing types of evaluation in the literature. Laws,
decrees and resolutions that deal with the subject in Brazil were surveyed. The participants of
the research were 31 subjects belonging to technical and administrative of different career
levels and 12 immediate supervisors. It is, therefore, an empirical qualitative and quantitative
study relating to the Performance Evaluation used at the Federal Institute of EspÌrito Santo -
Linhares campus. In addition to the questionnaires, empirical data were produced through
documental research, realized by checking the latest applied evaluations. It was observed that
the performance evaluation currently used on campus is a model similar to the graphic scale.
The results showed the need for changes in the evaluation performance system and
predominantly in the bureaucratic vision. For TAE, it was noticed the desire to evaluate the
immediate superior and the fear of subjectivity in the evaluation. As for the immediate
supervisors, it was observed there was a certain difficulty to evaluate. In both categories
studied, there was dissatisfaction with the way the evaluation performance is used. The results
showed mainly that the Performance Evaluation is uncritical and bias and that does not result
in effective human improvement and neither in a better public service performance. Before
these results, the present study sought to contribute to the advancement of other researches in
the area of Public Management through a deeper reflection on the importance of attitude of
managers and public servants participating in a Performance Assessment process, especially
in this type