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2015 - Daniel Zimmermann Mesquita.pdf: 1282998 bytes, checksum: 279462a122004962e8bfed1dd4735013 (MD5) === Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-17T15:27:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2015 - Daniel Zimmermann Mesquita.pdf: 1282998 bytes, checksum: 279462a122004962e8bfed1dd4735013 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-07-09 === The search for renewable energy sources such as biodiesel and ethanol, is a growing trend in
Brazil and in the world due to lower environmental impacts. Among the plant species
available to search, highlight the physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.), that it is a perennial species,
deciduous and with great potential for biodiesel production due to their production
characteristics and quality of oil . However, to date there is no available cultivars for planting,
so the need for basic and applied research. Therefore, it is important to know the behavior of
genotypes and several variables estimated in the culture, among these quotes to the related
plant architecture. The objective of this study was a detailed study of the characteristics
related to plant architecture, in order to know the diversity within and among 10 families of
jatropha half brothers belonging to the Germplasm Collection UFRRJ through digital analysis
images. The treatments (families) were arranged in a randomized design, with 15 replications
(plants). Made to capture images, in the same measuring scale at the time the plants were in
his deciduous period and subsequently through ImageJ software, the images were processed.
It estimated the following variables related to plant architecture: plant height (ALT), stem
diameter (DBC), crown diameter (DCO), number of branches to 50 cm (NR50), opening
angle Canopy (AAB), the total number of forks in the plant (NBI), the average height of the
forks (MAB), number of branches above (NRAcmab) and below (NRAbmab) of MAB, the
sum length of the branches (SCR), area of the plant (APL). It was estimated also in the field,
the number of fruits (NFR) and seeds (NSE), average seed weight (PMS) and grain yield per
plant (PGP), and these were used only in correlation analysis with variables related to plant
architecture. From these data were carried out analysis of variance, correlation, estimation of
genetic parameters and analysis of diversity. Only the variable number of branches to 50 cm
(NR50) was not statistically different between the evaluated progenies. ALT variables, DCO,
NBI, NRAcmab, NRAbmab, SCR and APL had greater genetic influence at the expense of
environmental, justifying the selection of these characteristics. The grain yield per plant
(PGP) had low correlation with all variables, with SCR and NRAcmab showed the highest
values respectively 0.24 and 0.20. The genetic diversity was estimated between families
median ranging between 0.4 and 0.6. The diversity within families was medium to low with
estimates families with more than 0.6 and less than 0.4, respectively, to the families 858, 355
and 869, and 346, 383 and 872. The number of bifurcations (NBI ), the flat area of the plant
(APL) and the sum of the length of the branches (SCR) were the most important features in
the estimation of diversity in this study, with the contribution of respectively 30.55%, 22.29%
and 10, 65%. The family 872 showed favorable aspects related to plant architecture, such as
the high average number of bifurcations (NBI) and, in general, the greatest genetic distance
between the other families. Therefore, prior assessment for evidence of productive potential,
family genotypes 872 may be involved in crosses when you want to explore heterosis culture. === A pesquisa por fontes renov?veis de energia, como o biodiesel e o etanol, ? uma tend?ncia
crescente no Brasil e no mundo devido aos menores impactos ambientais causados. Dentre as
esp?cies vegetais dispon?veis para pesquisa, destaca-se o pinh?o-manso (Jatropha curcas L.),
que se trata de uma esp?cie perene, caducif?lia e com grande potencial para produ??o de
biodiesel, devido a suas caracter?sticas de produ??o e qualidade de ?leo. Por?m, at? o
momento n?o h? cultivares dispon?veis para o plantio, por isso a necessidade de pesquisa
b?sica e aplicada. Neste sentido, ? importante conhecer o comportamento de gen?tipos e de
diversas vari?veis estimadas na cultura, dentre estas cita-se ?s relacionadas a arquitetura de
planta. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um estudo detalhado das caracter?sticas
referentes ? arquitetura de plantas, visando conhecer a diversidade entre e dentro de 10
fam?lias de meios-irm?os de pinh?o-manso pertencentes ? Cole??o de Germoplasmas da
UFRRJ, atrav?s da an?lise digital de imagens. Os tratamentos (fam?lias) foram dispostos em
delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 15 repeti??es (plantas). Efetuou-se a captura das
imagens, na mesma escala m?trica, no momento em que as plantas encontravam-se em seu
per?odo caducif?lio, e posteriormente, atrav?s do Programa ImageJ, as imagens foram
processadas. Estimou-se as seguintes vari?veis relacionadas a arquitetura de planta: altura das
plantas (ALT), di?metro do caule (DBC), di?metro de copa (DCO), , n?mero de ramos aos 50
cm de altura (NR50), ?ngulo de abertura do dossel (AAB), n?mero de bifurca??es totais na
planta (NBI), m?dia da altura das bifurca??es (MAB), n?mero de ramos acima (NRAcmab) e
abaixo (NRAbmab) de MAB, somat?rio do comprimento dos ramos (SCR) e ?rea plana da
planta (APL). Estimou-se tamb?m, no campo, o n?mero de frutos (NFR) e sementes (NSE),
peso m?dio de sementes (PMS) e produ??o de gr?os por planta (PGP), sendo que estas foram
utilizadas apenas nas an?lises de correla??o com as vari?veis referentes ? arquitetura de
planta. A partir destes dados realizaram-se an?lises de vari?ncia, correla??es, estima??o de
par?metros gen?ticos e an?lises da diversidade. Apenas a vari?vel n?mero de ramos a 50 cm
(NR50) n?o foi estatisticamente diferente entre as prog?nies avaliadas. As vari?veis ALT,
DCO, NBI, NRAcmab, NRAbmab, SCR e APL apresentaram maior influ?ncia gen?tica em
detrimento da ambiental, o que justifica a sele??o nestas caracter?sticas. A produ??o de gr?os
por planta (PGP) teve baixa correla??o com todas as vari?veis analisadas, sendo que SCR e
NRAcmab apresentaram os maiores valores, respectivamente de 0,24 e 0,20. A diversidade
gen?tica estimada entre fam?lias foi mediana, variando entre 0,4 e 0,6. A diversidade dentro
de fam?lias foi mediana a baixa, havendo fam?lias com estimativas superiores a 0,6 e
inferiores a 0,4, respectivamente, para as fam?lias 858, 355 e 869, e 346, 383 e 872. O n?mero
de bifurca??es (NBI), a ?rea plana da planta (APL) e o somat?rio do comprimento dos ramos
(SCR) foram as caracter?sticas mais importantes na estima??o da diversidade no presente
trabalho, com a contribui??o de respectivamente 30,55%, 22,29% e 10,65%. A fam?lia 872
apresentou aspectos favor?veis relacionados ? arquitetura de plantas, como m?dia alta no
n?mero de bifurca??es (NBI), bem como, de forma geral, a maior dist?ncia gen?tica entre as
demais fam?lias. Portanto, mediante avalia??o pr?via para comprova??o do potencial
produtivo, gen?tipos da fam?lia 872 poder?o ser envolvidos em cruzamentos quando se
pretende explorar a heterose na cultura.