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2015 - Tatiana da Concei??o Gon?alves.pdf: 5453125 bytes, checksum: 99e70cebe492e0864542a551ea8ebf1c (MD5) === Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-16T10:22:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2015 - Tatiana da Concei??o Gon?alves.pdf: 5453125 bytes, checksum: 99e70cebe492e0864542a551ea8ebf1c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-04-28 === Programa de P?s Gradua??o em Educa??o Agr?cola da UFRuralRJ - UFRRJ === The teaching of Portuguese language applied by the contemporary teacher cannot be
dissociated from the guidance and influences of The National Curricular Parameters and from
the theoretical postulates of the textual linguistic, which are premised on the doctrinal basis of
Mikhail Bakhtin. At the same time, it is important that this teacher organizes his practice from
didactical and pedagogical guidelines of teaching through textual genres, which crosses the
bias of the didactical sequences of Bernard Scheneuwly and Joaquim Dolz as well as the
theoretical interactionist idea of Levy Vygotsky. It is also necessary trying to understand
approaches that comprise the multimodal universe of various emerging communication forms,
which consolidates several sign systems that interweaves each other in order to establish
language uses, and thus the result of human relations expressed by ways of several languages.
This implies to mention literacy and multi-literacy, once multimodality is a constitutive
characteristic of social communicative forms, which are found in society in accordance with
technological development. Not only this emphasizes oral and written interactions, but also
includes every communicative technology. Once that new means of organization for academic
knowledge are created as a result of this context of continuous changes and that new means of
reading, interpreting and producing texts are constantly being produced, this paper presents
only those ones focused on the study of languages, which stimulates a didactic and
pedagogical transposition flexible to several cultural contexts. From this assumption, this
paper aims to present results from a research conducted on the program of post-degree in
Agricultural Education (UFRRJ), which intends to create a summary and analyze critically the
knowledge and didactical and pedagogical practice of Portuguese Language Teachers of The
Federal Institute of Amap?. Thus, this study purposed to see that the Portuguese-speaking
school with a didactic and pedagogical practice rooted in the theory of genres , guided at first
by the National Curriculum Standards , can help pluridiscursivo language learning , going
beyond what is proposed and waiting for this document , achieving citizenship education
linked to the context of technological change , in which different genres emerge as the
sociocomunicativa needs of individuals in situations of social interaction === O ensino de L?ngua Portuguesa ministrado pelo professor da contemporaneidade n?o pode
prescindir das orienta??es e influ?ncias dos Par?metros Curriculares Nacionais e dos
postulados te?ricos da Lingu?stica Textual, os quais s?o ancorados nos princ?pios te?ricos de
Mikhail Bakhtin. Ao mesmo tempo, ? importante que esse profissional organize sua pr?tica, a
partir de orienta??es did?tico-pedag?gicas de ensino com g?neros textuais, as quais
perpassam pelo vi?s das sequ?ncias did?ticas de Bernard Schneuwly e Joaquim Dolz, bem
como pela vertente te?rica interacionista de Levi Vygotsky. ? necess?rio, tamb?m, buscar
compreender abordagens que abranjam o universo multimodal das distintas formas
comunicativas emergentes, em que se consolidam diversos sistemas de signos. Isso implica
referirmo-nos ao conceito de Letramento(s) e/ou de Multiletramentos, uma vez que a
multimodalidade ? um tra?o constitutivo das distintas formas sociocomunicativas que
circulam em sociedade, em fun??o do desenvolvimento tecnol?gico. Por conseguinte, sabe-se
que, nesse contexto de transforma??es constantes, surgem novos meios de estrutura??o dos
conhecimentos cient?ficos; destacando, aqui, apenas aqueles voltados para ?rea de linguagens,
os quais suscitam uma transposi??o did?tico-pedag?gica flex?vel aos contextos culturais
diversificados, tendo em vista que, a todo instante, s?o instauradas novas maneiras de ler,
interpretar e produzir textos. A partir desses pressupostos, este trabalho tem como objetivo
principal apresentar resultados de uma pesquisa realizada no ?mbito do Programa de P?s-
Gradua??o em Educa??o Agr?cola da (UFRRJ), em uma institui??o Federal de Educa??o,
Ci?ncia e Tecnologia do estado do Amap?. Dessa maneira, esse estudo intencionou constatar
que o ensino de l?ngua portuguesa com uma pr?tica did?tico-pedag?gico alicer?ada na teoria
dos g?neros textuais, orientada, a princ?pio, pelos Par?metros Curriculares Nacionais, pode
favorecer o aprendizado pluridiscursivo da l?ngua, indo al?m do que ? proposto e esperado por
esse documento, alcan?ando uma forma??o cidad? vinculada ao contexto das transforma??es
tecnol?gicas, em que distintos g?neros emergem, conforme a necessidade sociocomunicativa
dos indiv?duos nas situa??es de intera??o social