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2011 - Iraldirene Ricardode Oliveira.pdf: 6955839 bytes, checksum: abd9e904c0586f06da2b47440e715d51 (MD5) === Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-06T13:54:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2011 - Iraldirene Ricardode Oliveira.pdf: 6955839 bytes, checksum: abd9e904c0586f06da2b47440e715d51 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-09-15 === The objective of this research was to study dropout in the Course of PROEJA (National
Program for Professional Integration with Basic Education in the Mode of Youth?s and
Adult?s Education), which is offered by the Federal Institute of Esp?rito Santo Campus Santa
Teresa. It is unquestionable that the dropout in Youth?s and Adult?s Education (EJA) has been
considered of significance for social and educational commissions and has instigated
discussions in various forums about the future of Brazilian education. After all, a great
number of young people and adults who could not attend school at normal age have returned
to educational institutions, but many of them end up quitting again. The dropout is one out of
the many faces of social exclusion, as the students who have dropped out EJA see themselves
excluded from and by the very same society which they should feel themselves part of and
participants. By studying the development of Brazilian education history it is observed that
since its genesis it has been marked by public actions, procedures and policies that resulted
somehow in the process of exclusion that still occurs today with the apparent inequities to
which young people are exposed; inequities determined by education, race, income, gender
and work. A preliminary diagnosis of school performance in the ambit of the EJA shows that
it is particularly disturbing especially the elected methodology and teaching practices for this
kind of courses, which makes their readjustment imperative. It is noteworthy that the EJA has
its peculiar identity recognized by what it aims to offer, in other words, professional
development and raising the educational level of workers who have dropped out school. The
possible relevance of these teaching tools will certainly arouse greater interest and ensure the
permanence of these students in the classroom, and thus provide their growth, both personal
and professional, as well as collaborate to overcome the prejudice about their learning ability.
In this sense, once it is observed a significant dropout through documentary research in
primary sources of the Federal Institute of Esp?rito Santo Campus Santa Teresa,
questionnaires were elaborated and interviews were conducted with teachers and students who
were enrolled, had graduated or had dropped out in order to characterize the Course of
PROEJA offered by the institution and to identify the possible reasons for dropout in this type
of education. The results indicated that there are several causes of dropout, however, some
deserve to be underlined: the lack of identification with the professional expertise that has
offered limited demand in the labor market, the unpreparedness of teachers to work in this
type of education and the difficulties relating to accessibility especially regarding the lack of
transportation. Finally, it is concluded that to change this context it becomes necessary to
readjust the offering of the Course and make dynamic the pedagogical practice by redirecting
the activities proposed for such courses. In addition to reviewing the proposed methodology,
it is important to expand the horizons of the professionals involved in the process by
providing a better idea about the real needs of students and the course. === O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar a evas?o escolar no Curso PROEJA (Programa Nacional
de Integra??o Profissional com a Educa??o B?sica na Modalidade de Educa??o de Jovens e
Adultos), ministrado pelo Instituto Federal do Esp?rito Santo Campus Santa Teresa (IFESST).
Indiscutivelmente a evas?o escolar na Educa??o de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) tem sido
considerada de significativa import?ncia s?cio-educativa e com isso tem fomentado
discuss?es em v?rios f?runs de debate sobre os rumos da educa??o brasileira. Afinal, um
grande n?mero de jovens e adultos que n?o puderam frequentar a escola em idade pr?pria tem
retornado ?s institui??es de ensino, mas v?rios deles acabam por abandon?-las novamente. A
evas?o escolar ? uma das faces da exclus?o social, visto que os estudantes evadidos da EJA se
percebem exclu?dos da e pela sociedade da qual deveriam sentir-se partes e part?cipes. Ao
estudar a evolu??o hist?rica da educa??o brasileira observa-se que desde sua g?nese ela
sempre foi marcada por a??es, procedimentos e pol?ticas p?blicas que resultaram, de algum
modo, em processo de exclus?o da mesma forma que ocorre na atualidade, com a vis?vel
desigualdade em que se encontram submetidos os jovens, determinada por situa??es como
educa??o, cor, renda, g?nero e trabalho. Um diagn?stico preliminar da atua??o escolar no
?mbito da EJA mostra que ? preocupante sobretudo a metodologia e a pr?tica docente eleitas
para a oferta de cursos dessa modalidade tornando-se imperioso sua readequa??o. Ressalte-se
que a EJA possui identidade peculiar reconhecida pelo que objetiva oferecer, ou seja,
qualifica??o profissional e eleva??o da escolaridade dos trabalhadores com trajet?rias
escolares interrompidas. A eventual adequa??o destes instrumentos de ensino certamente
despertar? maior interesse e garantir? a perman?ncia desses alunos dentro da sala de aula,
consequentemente proporcionar? seu crescimento, tanto pessoal quanto profissional, al?m de
colaborar para que ven?am o preconceito acerca de sua capacidade de aprendizagem. Neste
sentido, uma vez constatada uma significativa evas?o escolar atrav?s da pesquisa documental
em fontes prim?rias do IFES-ST, elaboraram-se question?rios e foram realizadas entrevistas
com alunos matriculados, ex-alunos, professores e evadidos para caracteriza??o do Curso de
PROEJA oferecido pela institui??o e identifica??o dos eventuais motivos para a evas?o
escolar nesta modalidade de ensino. Os resultados indicaram que v?rias s?o as causas da
evas?o, contudo, merece destaque a falta de identifica??o com a especializa??o profissional
oferecida que possui demanda restrita no mercado de trabalho, o despreparo do corpo docente
para atua??o nesta modalidade de ensino e as dificuldades relativas ? acessibilidade
especialmente no tocante ? falta de meios de transporte. Ao final, conclui-se que para
modificar este contexto torna-se necess?rio a readequa??o da oferta do Curso e a dinamiza??o
da pr?tica pedag?gica redirecionando-se as atividades propostas para cursos dessa natureza,
al?m da revis?o da metodologia proposta. Importante se faz a amplia??o dos horizontes dos
profissionais envolvidos no processo proporcionando-se uma maior clareza acerca das reais
necessidades dos alunos e do curso