Summary: | === We investigate biology teachers' reports of educational practices that differ from routine practices and in which teachers and students feel motivated and happy. These practices were called extraordinary teaching practices. The practices were analyzed based on Hanna Arendt's concept of action. The aim of this analysis was to identify ethical commitments of teachers through the benefits that they seek conducting such activities
with their studentes. We interviewed seven public high school teachers, all Biology Bachelors, with three to twenty-eight years of teaching experience. Analytical descriptions have been made to identify the incentives, challenges and results in the practices reported by teachers. These incentives, challenges and results were analyzed according to five political virtues that characterized these practices as action: courage,
honor, prudence, cunning and freedom. The strengths identified in the action of the protagonists of educational practices are likely to be extraordinary given by any teacher. The actions reported and analyzed signal nuances of personal involvement in the teaching profession and show teachers as political actors of activities that give them humanity. === Nesta investigação analisamos o que denominamos de práticas pedagógicas extraordinárias de alguns professores de biologia do ensino médio. São práticas pedagógicas que se diferenciam daquelas da rotina dos professores e nas quais os professores e alunos ficaram motivados e satisfeitos. O objetivo do estudo é compreender as práticas pedagógicas extraordinárias a partir do conceito de ação de Hannah Arendt. Foram realizadas entrevistas com sete professores de biologia do ensino médio. Essas entrevistas foram analisadas a partir de cinco virtudes políticas: coragem; honra; prudência; astúcia e liberdade. Os resultados revelaram os compromissos éticos dos professores. Esses compromissos éticos mostraram-se fundamentais para o enfrentamento dos desafios atuais colocados para a profissão docente.