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ClaudiaReginaLovatoFrancoDissertacaoParcial2016.pdf: 977125 bytes, checksum: 0f84839f87caf7f6917c443c80e18b56 (MD5) === Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro ( on 2017-08-07T14:30:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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ClaudiaReginaLovatoFrancoDissertacaoParcial2016.pdf: 977125 bytes, checksum: 0f84839f87caf7f6917c443c80e18b56 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-11-24 === The dissertation researches and reflects upon the business modus operandi and ratio
of the garment industry which, with the target purpose of adding value, uses
contemporary slavery that spites the human dignity of the employee. It historically
contextualizes the social value of work by addressing industrial development and
competitive markets, culminating in economic and social imbalance and, social
dumping. The study was conducted using an interdisciplinary method drawing on
institutes of varying legal fields, economics and sociology, appreciating the macro
system of enterprise production. It analyzes the results of labour practices in the
justice system by using economic analysis of legal techniques and the precedents of
common law, to calculate punitive damages of collective non-material harm to be
provided in the Terms for Commitment to Adjustment of Conduct and judicial
decisions, modifying entrepreneurial logic to obtain economic advantage by means of
precarious labor rights. It demonstrates that there are mechanisms to deter
entrepreneurs from engaging in harmful and illegal practices, aspiring them to
collectively improve the living conditions of Brazilian workers by providing opportunity
for the social value of work. The dissertation aims, through the exercise of effective
institutional actions, to break the predatory system of indirect support by the system
and the state. === O presente estudo pesquisa e reflete o modus operandi e a ratio empresarial da
ind??stria de confec????es, os quais, com prop??sito deliberado de obten????o de mais
valia, utilizam-se de trabalho escravo contempor??neo ofendendo a dignidade da
pessoa humana do trabalhador. Contextualiza historicamente o valor social do
trabalho, abordando o desenvolvimento industrial e a competitividade dos mercados,
que culminou no desequil??brio econ??mico-social e no dumping social. O estudo ??
realizado interdisciplinarmente e utiliza institutos de diversas searas jur??dicas, de
Economia e de Sociologia, apreciando o macrossistema de produ????o das empresas.
Analisa os resultados das atua????es do sistema de Justi??a Trabalhista, utilizando
t??cnicas de An??lise Econ??mica do Direito, e dos precedentes do common law, para
calcular as penalidades indenizat??rias do dano moral coletivo previstas nos Termos
de Compromisso de Ajustamento de Conduta e nas decis??es judiciais. Modifica a
l??gica do empres??rio de obter vantagem econ??mica com precariza????o dos direitos
trabalhistas. O trabalho demonstra que h?? mecanismos de desest??mulo das pr??ticas
delet??rias e il??citas dos empres??rios e aspira a melhoria das condi????es de vida da
coletividade dos trabalhadores brasileiros e oportuniza a valoriza????o social do
trabalho. O objetivo ?? que com o exerc??cio das atua????es institucionais efetivas haja
ruptura com o sistema predat??rio de apoio indireto do sistema e do Estado.