Os adolescentes e o uso do whatsapp: la??os e embara??os nas suas sociabilidades

Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-04-07T12:54:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AngeloCaminhaMunhozDissertacao2016.pdf: 1912628 bytes, checksum: ee626641122eb44aaa48963c20a2f511 (MD5) === Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-04-07T12:55:01Z (GMT)...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Munh??z, ??ngelo Caminha
Other Authors: Sousa, Carlos ??ngelo de Meneses
Format: Others
Published: Universidade Cat??lica de Bras??lia 2017
Online Access:https://bdtd.ucb.br:8443/jspui/handle/tede/2036
Summary:Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-04-07T12:54:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AngeloCaminhaMunhozDissertacao2016.pdf: 1912628 bytes, checksum: ee626641122eb44aaa48963c20a2f511 (MD5) === Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-04-07T12:55:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AngeloCaminhaMunhozDissertacao2016.pdf: 1912628 bytes, checksum: ee626641122eb44aaa48963c20a2f511 (MD5) === Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-07T12:55:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AngeloCaminhaMunhozDissertacao2016.pdf: 1912628 bytes, checksum: ee626641122eb44aaa48963c20a2f511 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-01 === With the objective of analysing how teenagers appropriate the message app for mobile devices WhatsApp and what are the consequences of this process to their sociabilities, an exploratory study was made with thirteen students, of ages of 15 to 18 years, of both sexes, in a public high school of the Distrito Federal. The theoretical foundation was based on Simmel, L??vy and Castells, among others. The data was collected by means of questioners and implementation of two focal groups and the material was given a qualitative treatment by means of the Bardin's Content Analysis Technique. As the main results, the fluent appropriation of the WhatsApp app in their daily routine, mostly in a modest to intense way, stands out. However, the app is still not primarily used in their interactions with their social groups, prevailing, still, the face-to-face interactions. The online and offline communication are interchanged. They are motivated to use it by the need of immediate and ubiquitous communication, which the app makes available in an easy and simple way, allowing continuous connectivity, intrinsic to contemporary times. Also, as motivation, they receive influence from friends and colleagues, from the capitalist market and from the families' financial condition. As opportunities for their sociabilities, they pointed out the maintenance and intensification of their relationships, sociality and enlargement of their contact network. In relation to the challenges, they indicated the communication conflicts, digital privacy and the sporadic showing of psychic and physical symptoms. The consequences regarding their sociabilities transpired in dualistic manner as bonds and awkwardness, chiefly in their basic social circles. In the friend circle, the bonds arise from the intensity and warmth with which they interact. The awkwardness, among others, from the fear of exclusion from the group, conflicts and the matter of privacy. In the family circle, seeking security, they contact their parents through WhatsApp, keeping the primary bonds. The restriction to the use of the app, the absence of familiar talking groups or in an unpleasant participation generate the awkwardness. On the social school circle, given opportunity by the resources made available by the app, they become collaborative in sharing the school tasks, registering the subjects needed to be studied and participating in groups of student interest. The awkwardness arise from the restraint of the use inside classroom and from the pretentious neutrality of the school regarding the prevention of cyberbullying. The conclusions are preliminary, induced by the literature review and the interpretation reported by the researched. In face of this, we understand that the communication technology advances that are happening in the 21st century requires of the academic knowledge new researches seeking to analyse the possible consequences in the experience of the teenagers. === Com o objetivo de analisar como os adolescentes se apropriam do aplicativo de mensagens por dispositivos m??veis WhatsApp e quais as consequ??ncias desse processo para as suas sociabilidades, foi realizado um estudo explorat??rio com treze estudantes, na faixa et??ria de 15 a 18 anos, de ambos os sexos, de um escola p??blica de Ensino M??dio do Distrito Federal. A fundamenta????o te??rica se baseou em Simmel, L??vy e Castells, entre outros. Os dados foram coletados por meio de question??rios e realiza????o de dois grupos focais e ao material foi dado um tratamento qualitativo, por meio da T??cnica de An??lise de Conte??do de Bardin. Como principais resultados, destacaram-se a apropria????o fluente do aplicativo WhatsApp na sua rotina di??ria, a maioria, de maneira moderada a intensa. No entanto, n??o est??o utilizando prioritariamente o aplicativo para suas intera????es com os seus grupos sociais, prevalecendo, ainda, as intera????es de modo presencial. Alternam-se nas comunica????es ditas offline e online. S??o motivados a utilizar pela necessidade de uma comunica????o imediata e de ubiquidade, cujo aplicativo disponibilizam de modo f??cil e simples, propiciando uma conectividade cont??nua, inerente ao espa??o contempor??neo. Tamb??m como motiva????es, recebem influ??ncias dos amigos e colegas, do mercado capitalista e da condi????o financeira familiar. Como oportunidades para as suas sociabilidades, apontaram a manuten????o e intensifica????o dos seus relacionamentos, o gregarismo e a amplia????o das redes de contato. Em refer??ncia aos desafios, indicaram os conflitos de comunica????o, a privacidade digital e o aparecimento pontual de sintomas ps??quicos e f??sicos. As consequ??ncias quanto ??s suas sociabilidades transpareceram de maneira dual??stica em la??os e embara??os, principalmente nos seus c??rculos sociais b??sicos. No c??rculo dos amigos, os la??os se formam na intensidade e na afetuosidade que interagem. Os embara??os, entre outros, no receio de exclus??o do grupo, na ocorr??ncia de conflitos e na quest??o da privacidade. No c??rculo da fam??lia, em busca de seguran??a, contatam com os pais por meio do WhatsApp, mantendo os la??os prim??rios. A restri????o ao uso do aplicativo, a aus??ncia em grupos de conversa familiares ou uma participa????o desprazerosa geram os embara??os. No c??rculo social escolar, oportunizados pelos recursos dispon??veis no aplicativo, tornam-se colaborativos no compartilhamento das tarefas escolares, no registro do conte??do a ser estudado e na participa????o em grupos de interesse estudantil. Os embara??os surgem na coibi????o do uso dentro de sala de aula e na pretensa neutralidade da escola quanto ?? preven????o do cyberbullying. Conclus??es s??o preliminares, induzidas pela revis??o da literatura e pela interpreta????o relatada pelos pesquisados. Diante disso, entendemos que os avan??os tecnol??gicos comunicacionais que est??o ocorrendo no s??culo XXI requerem do saber acad??mico novas pesquisas buscando analisar as poss??veis consequ??ncias na viv??ncia dos adolescentes.