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Maria M??rcia Viana Prazeres - Tese 2017.pdf: 2764749 bytes, checksum: 156ae8b0b88507c968ac0d6da5a7212b (MD5) === Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-05T12:20:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Maria M??rcia Viana Prazeres - Tese 2017.pdf: 2764749 bytes, checksum: 156ae8b0b88507c968ac0d6da5a7212b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-02-20 === The aging of the world's population, motivated by the increase in life expectancy
reveals, on the one hand, a great achievement of humanity throughout its history
and, on the other, represents one of its great challenges. Given the need to make
social and economical efforts in the sense of enabling this population a healthy
longevity from the physiological, psychological and social point of view. Therefore, it
is relevant to the study of the practices that are most appropriate for the elderly, and
the study on playful and playfulness make an important contribution because they
value activities that are pleasant and meaningful to the elderly. Capotherapy,
considered a playful modality, because this is a little known activity, makes of it an
interesting object of study. Therefore, the objective of this research was to
investigate the perception about the elements which compose the practice of
Capotherapy and the effects on the biopsychosocial dimensions in the life of elderly
practitioners enrolled in an association of the elderly. The research was exploratory
and descriptive, with qualitative and quantitative approach, with the participation of 34
individuals, being 28 women and 6 men, average age of 71 (?? 8 years). Data were
collected from a questionnaire applied individually with socioeconomic information
and a semi-structured script with two generating questions: "What is Capotherapy
for you, in terms of the elements that make it up?" And "How do you see yourself
before and after the practice of Capotherapy????. For the analysis of the data, the
software IRAMUTEQ- Interface de R pour analyses Multidimensionnelles des Textes
et de Questionaires, software Excel 2010 and semi-structured interviews. The
results, based on the reports of the elderly, indicated that Capoterapy can be
considered a playful practice, according to the elements that compose it, which is
associated with corporal practices, capoeira and dance, and which provides positive
effects on self-esteem, status functional, the sensation of physical and psychological
pain, memory, the rescue of reminiscences, the feeling of belonging and social
interaction. It is concluded that the Capotherapy is a corporal practice with playful
aspects, that provides several biopsychosocial benefits to the elderly population. === O envelhecimento da popula????o mundial motivado pelo aumento da expectativa de
vida revela, por um lado, uma grande conquista da humanidade em toda a sua
hist??ria e, por outro, representa um de seus grandes desafios. H?? necessidade de se
envidarem esfor??os sociais e econ??micos no sentido de possibilitar a essa
popula????o um envelhecimento saud??vel, do ponto de vista fisiol??gico, psicol??gico e
social. Por isso, se torna relevante estudar as pr??ticas que s??o mais adequadas aos
idosos e, o estudo sobre o l??dico e as suas viv??ncias traz uma importante
contribui????o pois, valoriza atividades que s??o prazerosas e significativas a essa
popula????o. A Capoterapia ?? considerada uma pr??tica l??dica, mas ainda ?? uma
atividade pouco conhecida. Assim, o objetivo dessa pesquisa foi investigar a
percep????o sobre os elementos que comp??em a pr??tica da Capoterapia e os efeitos
nas dimens??es biopsicossociais na vida de praticantes inscritos em uma associa????o
de idosos. A pesquisa foi de car??ter explorat??rio e descritivo, de abordagem
qualitativa e quantitativa, com a participa????o de 34 indiv??duos, sendo 28 mulheres e
06 homens, com a m??dia de idade 71 (?? 8 anos). A coleta dos dados ocorreu a partir
de um question??rio aplicado individualmente com informa????es socioecon??micas e
um roteiro semiestruturado com duas perguntas geradoras: ???O que ?? a Capoterapia
para voc?????? e ???Como voc?? se v?? antes e depois da pr??tica da Capoterapia????. Para
as an??lises dos dados utilizou-se do software IRAMUTEQ - Interface de R pour
analyses Multidimensionnelles des Textes et de Questionaires, do software Excel
2010 e das entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os resultados, a partir dos relatos dos
idosos, indicaram que a Capoterapia pode ser considerada uma pr??tica l??dica,
conforme os elementos que a comp??e, que est?? associada ??s pr??ticas corporais,
capoeira e dan??a, e que propicia efeitos positivos na autoestima, no estado de
??nimo, na capacidade funcional, na sensa????o das dores f??sicas e psicol??gicas, na
mem??ria, no resgate das reminisc??ncias, no sentimento de pertencimento e no
conv??vio social. Conclui-se que a Capoterapia ?? uma pr??tica corporal com aspectos
l??dicos, que proporciona diversos benef??cios biopsicossociais ?? popula????o idosa.