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Previous issue date: 2015 === RESUMO
Esse estudo teve como objetivo compreender a forma??o t?cnica profissional em enfermagem no Instituto Federal do Norte de Minas Gerais (IFNMG), C?mpus Janu?ria, tanto em rela??o ? dimens?o pol?tica, ao assumir a intencionalidade e compromisso com a forma??o pretendida, quanto ? dimens?o pedag?gica, ao adotar uma organiza??o curricular e metodol?gica coerentes com os prop?sitos estabelecidos e analisar o perfil docente em rela??o ? forma??o e ? trajet?ria profissional. Nesse sentido o estudo foi explorat?rio, descritivo, de enfoque qualitativo, adotando o delineamento de pesquisa bibliogr?fica e documental, com an?lise do Projeto Pol?tico Pedag?gico (PPP), Matriz Curricular, Planos de Ensino e Curr?culo Lattes dos docentes do curso supracitado. Ao analisar a dimens?o pol?tica observou-se a intencionalidade de formar um cidad?o que, orientado pelo paradigma pol?tico social do SUS, atue de forma integral, reflexiva, humana, ?tica, critica e transformadora. Em rela??o ? dimens?o pedag?gica, evidenciou-se uma rela??o te?rica e pr?tica dicot?mica, matriz curricular organizada por disciplinas, maior carga hor?ria dispon?vel ?s disciplinas essencialmente t?cnicas, op??o por conte?dos tecnicistas, centrados em tarefas, com foco no individuo doente, numa perspectiva reducionista e fragmentada da assist?ncia, evidenciando, assim, a persist?ncia do modelo biom?dico. Assim sendo, conclui-se que a dimens?o pedag?gica n?o apresenta coer?ncia com a dimens?o pol?tica estabelecida no PPP, ou seja, h? uma discrep?ncia entre a intencionalidade de forma??o e a organiza??o curricular e metodol?gica. Quanto ao perfil docente, concluiu-se que s?o enfermeiras, especializadas, com tempo breve de exerc?cio profissional na ?rea da sa?de, iniciando a trajet?ria na ?rea da educa??o, exercendo a doc?ncia em dedica??o exclusiva, a maioria sem forma??o pedag?gica e inserida na p?s-gradua??o stricto sensu. Pondera-se que a aus?ncia de forma??o pedag?gica das docentes se constituiu como limitador para o processo de desenvolvimento de uma dimens?o pedag?gica coerente com a dimens?o pol?tica. Pensa-se o contexto atual, com a inser??o da maioria das docentes na p?s-gradua??o stricto sensu, como prop?cio a supera??o desses desafios, em que a reflex?o e an?lise da pr?xis possam nortear um processo de desconstru??o de conceitos, significados, constru??o e (re) configura??o de saberes, de interlocu??o com quest?es sociais, pol?ticas de diferentes ordens, rompendo com o car?ter instrumentalista e tecnicista, conduzindo ? estrutura??o de uma identidade docente comprometida com uma forma??o integral, que assegure um cuidado em sa?de voltado para o ser humano em sua subjetividade e que assuma o compromisso ?tico e pol?tico de refletir, (re) conhecer a realidade em que se insere. Assim, ? necess?rio que se estabele?am tempos e espa?os de
reflex?o coletiva, considerando a realidade e fundamentando-se na mesma os caminhos a serem percorridos, no permanente processo de reinven??o do trabalho e das formas de aprender, ensinar e de cuidar. === Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-gradua??o em Ensino em Sa?de, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2015. === ABSTRACT
This study aimed to understand the technical training in nursing in Instituto Federal do Norte de Minas Gerais (IFNMG), Campus Janu?ria, both in relation to the political dimension, to take intentionality and commitment to the desired training, on the pedagogical dimension, to adopt a curriculum and methodological organization consistent with the stated purpose and analyze the teaching profile in relation to training and professional career. In this sense the study was exploratory, descriptive and qualitative approach, adopting the design of bibliographic and documentary, with analysis of the Pedagogical Policy Project (PPP), Matrix Curriculum, teaching plans and curriculum Lattes of the aforementioned course teachers. By analyzing the political dimension there was the intention to form a citizen who, guided by the social policy paradigm SUS, act fully, reflective, human, ethical, critical and transformative. Regarding the educational dimension, evidence of a theoretical relationship and dichotomous practice, curriculum organized by subject, more hours available to essentially technical subjects, choice of technologic contents, focusing on tasks, focusing on the sick individual, a reductionist perspective and fragmented assistance, showing thus the persistence of the biomedical model. Therefore, it is concluded that the pedagogical dimension has no consistency with the political dimension established in the PPP, ie there is a discrepancy between the purposes of training and curriculum and methodological organization. As for the teacher profile, it was concluded that nurses are specialized, professional exercise brief time in health care, starting the trend in education, lecturing in exclusive dedication, most without educational and training included in the post graduate studies. It argues that the lack of pedagogical training of teachers was formed as a limiter for the process of developing a coherent pedagogical dimension to the political dimension. The current context is thought, with the inclusion of most teachers in strict post-graduate, as conducive to overcoming these challenges, in which the reflection and analysis of praxis can guide one deconstruction of concepts, meanings, construction and ( re) configuration of knowledge, dialogue with social issues, in different orders policy, breaking with the instrumentalist and technicist character, leading to the structuring of a professional identity committed to a comprehensive education, providing a health care facing the human being their subjectivity and to assume the ethical and political commitment to reflect, (re) knowing the reality in which it operates. Thus, it is necessary to establish times and spaces of collective reflection, considering the reality and relying on the same routes to be followed in the ongoing process of reinvention of work and ways of learning, teaching and care.