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Previous issue date: 2017 === Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) === A alface (Lactuca sativa L.) ? sens?vel ?s condi??es clim?ticas, principalmente ? alta temperatura, modificando a sua arquitetura, peso, qualidade e, principalmente a produ??o. A a??o da temperatura do ar ? determinante nas mudan?as dos est?dios de desenvolvimento dos vegetais, interferindo tanto na emiss?o de folhas quanto na mudan?a dos est?dios fenol?gicos, al?m de provocar altera??es morfol?gicas e fisiol?gicas. A faixa de temperatura de 15 a 24 ?C ? considerada adequada ao desenvolvimento da alface, entretanto, quando cultivada em regi?es de temperatura e luminosidade elevadas, esta hortali?a pode deixar de desenvolver todo o seu potencial gen?tico. A aduba??o pode ser utilizada para incrementar a produtividade na cultura da alface. No entanto, os efeitos das condi??es clim?ticas juntamente com a aduba??o e suas influ?ncias no crescimento cultura requerem maior aprofundamento no estudo, pois, o ambiente de cultivo, juntamente com a aduba??o e o componente gen?tico da planta, s?o os grandes respons?veis pelas mudan?as no crescimento, flora??o e senesc?ncia. Assim, objetivou-se verificar o comportamento e padr?o de crescimento de plantas de alface cv. Regina sob diferentes temperaturas e estrat?gias de aduba??es. O estudo foi conduzido em sala de crescimento, em DIC com esquema fatorial 4x6, sendo: quatro temperaturas m?dias constantes para o cultivo da alface (12 ?C; 20 ?C; 23 ?C e 28 ?C) e seis aduba??es (controle, convencional mineral, Geofert - organomineral peletizado, Organomineral UFVJM, esterco de curral curtido e cama de codorna compostada). As plantas foram avaliadas quanto ao crescimento, p?s-colheita e perda de massa fresca em cada ciclo. Nas condi??es do experimento, os tratamentos cama de codorna, esterco de curral e organomineral Geofert promoveram maior crescimento ?s plantas de alface cv. Regina, sendo que essas estrat?gias de aduba??o podem permitir melhor desempenho produtivo das plantas at? mesmo em temperaturas de estresse. Os adubos org?nicos e Geofert s?o alternativas eficientes para o crescimento de plantas de alface cv. Regina e conferem ?s plantas menor perda de massa fresca, quando comparado ? aduba??o mineral convencional. === Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Produ??o Vegetal, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017. === Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is sensitive to the climatic conditions, mainly to the high temperature, changing its architecture, weight, quality and mainly the production. The action of air temperature is determinant in the changes of the stages of development of the plants, interfering as much in the emission of leaves as in the change of the phenological stages, besides causing morphological and physiological alterations. The temperature ranges of 15 to 24 ? C is considered adequate for the development of lettuce, however, when cultivated in regions of high temperature and luminosity, may fail to develop its full genetic potential. Fertilization can be used to increase productivity in lettuce culture. However, the effects of climatic conditions together with fertilization and its influences on the growth of culture require further study, because the growth environment together with the fertilization and genetic component of the plant are responsible for the changes in growth, flowering and senescence. Thus, objective was to verify the behavior and growth pattern of lettuce cv. Regina under different temperatures and fertilization strategies. The study was conducted in a growth room adopting a completely randomized design (CRD) in 4x6 factorial scheme with four constant average temperatures for lettuce cultivation (12, 20, 23, and 28?C) and six fertilizations (control, conventional mineral, Geofert - pelletized organic mineral, organic mineral from UFVJM, corral manure and composted quail bed). The plants were evaluated for growth, postharvest and loss of fresh mass in each cycle. Under the conditions of the experiment, treatments composed of composted quail bed, corral manure and Geofert promoted higher growth to lettuce plants cv. Regina being that these strategies of fertilization can allow better productive performance of the plants even in temperatures of stress. Organic fertilizers and Geofert are efficient alternatives for the growth of lettuce plants cv. Regina and gives the plants less fresh weight loss when compared to conventional mineral fertilization.