Summary: | Linha de pesquisa: Educa??o, Sujeitos, Sociedade, Hist?ria da Educa??o e Pol?ticas P?blicas Educacionais. === Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique ( on 2018-04-06T18:41:40Z
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Previous issue date: 2017 === O Brasil, constitu?do historicamente por desigualdades sociais e raciais, tem passado
recentemente por um processo de formula??o de pol?ticas p?blicas com o objetivo de
minimiz?-las. As lacunas que dificultam a viabilidade de acesso ?s condi??es igualit?rias
entre os brasileiros ainda persistem, com caracter?sticas n?o mut?veis que se condicionam ao
g?nero, etnia e/ou situa??o social. Essas condicionantes influenciam no acesso aos direitos e
na integra??o social. ? nesse contexto que emergem as pol?ticas p?blicas de car?ter inclusivo,
com proposi??es abarcadas pela necessidade de igualdade ao acesso de direitos e
democratiza??o de oportunidades. Na Educa??o, em especial no Ensino Superior, a aplica??o
de a??es afirmativas tem fortalecido a expans?o de oportunidades ?queles segmentos outrora
exclu?dos. Dessa forma, os estudantes negros, ind?genas e os oriundos do sistema p?blico de
ensino t?m, atualmente e, mediante a institui??o de sistemas especiais de ingresso e
perman?ncia, conseguido aumentar as chances de concluir uma gradua??o. Nessa perspectiva,
o presente estudo se prop?s a discutir e a investigar a Pol?tica de Assist?ncia Estudantil, sob a
?tica do Programa Bolsa Perman?ncia do Governo Federal, dirigido para o p?blico ind?gena e
quilombola da ?rea de abrang?ncia do Instituto Federal do Norte de Minas Gerais - Campus
Janu?ria. O referido programa se configura como importante mecanismo para combater as
desigualdades sociais e despontou como um instrumento necess?rio para que, de fato, pudesse
acontecer a democratiza??o do acesso e a perman?ncia desses jovens no ensino superior
p?blico federal. Pretende-se, ao final, inteirar-se, com maior amplitude, da rela??o que se
estabelece entre o Programa, os ind?genas e quilombolas benefici?rios e a institui??o,
adentrando a quest?o da percep??o que o sujeito fim dessa a??o possui de si mesmo e do
Programa, este ?ltimo como facilitador e promotor de sua perman?ncia nas gradua??es
ofertadas pelo Campus. A metodologia escolhida para guiar a discuss?o e a obten??o dos
dados desta pesquisa considera uma perspectiva explorat?ria com enfoque na abordagem
quanti-qualitativa, sendo a aplica??o de um question?rio eletr?nico o principal m?todo de
coleta. A apresenta??o dos resultados foi conduzida por meio de gr?ficos, tabelas e quadros
comentados individualmente. Al?m disso, realizou-se uma an?lise qualitativa das
informa??es, buscando compreender os elementos que extrapolam a uma l?gica objetiva
contida nas respostas obtidas. === Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017. === Brazil, which has historically been constituted by social and racial inequalities, has recently
been undergone a formulation process of public policies which aim at minimizing them. The
gaps that drive to the viability of access to fair conditions among Brazilians have been
persisting with non-mutable characteristics that are related to gender, ethnicity and social
situation which in turn influence access to rights and social integration. It is in this context
that governmental actions of an inclusive nature emerge, with proposals encompassed by the
need for equality of access to rights and democratization of opportunities. In Education,
especially in Higher Education, the application of affirmative actions has strengthened the
expansion of possibilities to those previously excluded segments. In this way, through the
institution of specialized systems of entrance and permanence, black students, indigenous
students and those coming from the public education been able to increase the chances of
completing a degree. In this respect, this research aimed to discuss and investigate the Student
Assistance Policy, from the perspective of the Permanency Scholarship Program of the
Federal Government for the indigenous and quilombola public of the Federal Institute of
Northern Minas Gerais - Campus Janu?ria. This program has configured as an essential
mechanism to combat social inequalities, and still to emerge as a necessary instrument for the
democratization of access and permanence of these young people in higher education in
public federal schooling systems. Thus, this research aims to find out, more broadly, the
relationship which involves the Program, the indigenous and quilombola beneficiaries as well
the institution. This study also approaches the question of the perception which the target
subject of this action has about itself and the Program as a facilitator and a promoter of his/
her permanence in the graduations offered by the Campus. The methodology used to drive the
discussion and the obtaining of the data in this research presents an exploratory perspective
and has a focus on the quantitative-qualitative approach. The application of an electronic
questionnaire was the main instrument used to produce data. The presentation of the results
was carried out through graphs, tables, and charts commented individually. Besides, a
qualitative analysis of the information was carried out, trying to understand the elements that
extrapolate to an objective logic contained in the obtained answers.