O impacto do estilo de mobiliza????o do gestor na produtividade de equipes de venda

Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-03T18:32:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Waldir_Eschberger_Junior.pdf: 483800 bytes, checksum: 67f2552e71c518a11a9bb4e30f782797 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-11-29 === This work has sought to identify the relationship between management's mobilization sty...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Eschberger Junior, Waldir
Other Authors: Coda, Roberto
Format: Others
Published: FECAP - Faculdade Escola de Com??rcio ??lvares Penteado 2015
Online Access:
Summary:Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-03T18:32:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Waldir_Eschberger_Junior.pdf: 483800 bytes, checksum: 67f2552e71c518a11a9bb4e30f782797 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-11-29 === This work has sought to identify the relationship between management's mobilization styles and the productivity of the sales force in a pharmaceutical company. Sales Managers from large pharmaceutical companies were studied. The individual mobilization style of each manager was identified through the M.A.R.E.?? Motivational Guidelines and afterwards correlated to the marks given for productivity to his/her team as supplied by their individual companies, in order to identify the existing relationship between the results of the teams and the mobilization style of each of their leaders. It was noticed during the study that there was a great difference in behavior as regards the challenges faced by the team members on a day-to-day basis and how much the human factor was responsible for the results obtained. In order to adequately reflect on the leadership theme, this study was based on authors such as Bass, Bennis, Burns, Machiavelli, Nannus and Spector. As regards the motivational aspects, the authors chosen for reflection were Alderfer, Herzberg, Maslow, McClelland, McGregor, Mitchel, Sinha, Vroom, Zoltners and Zoltners. The Mobilization Styles identified were based on contributions made by Coda and Ricco as well as studies carried out by Erich Fromm. The use of performance indicators has facilitated the identification of the results of each team for comparison to the Mobilization Styles. This factor determines the importance of the use of standard criteria so as to have an appropriate measurement of the people evaluated as well as give fairness to the process and guarantee credibility in the system to those involved. The study shows that certain mobilization styles are associated to favorable sales results, whereas other styles are not as favorable to a better performance of the teams. The study associates better productivity to the Competitive style and demonstrates that the Collaborative style is not conducive to adequate results for the sales teams of pharmaceutical products. The results obtained suggest towards a continuity of this study, initially in institutions working in the same field as the one studied here, so as to verify the data identified. Afterwards, attempting to corroborate the relationship between Managers and Mobilization Styles in the sales areas of companies in other segments, and finally searching for this relationship in other areas of the company. === Este trabalho procurou identificar a rela????o entre o estilo de mobiliza????o do gestor e a produtividade da for??a de vendas de uma empresa do ramo farmac??utico. Foram estudados Gerentes de Vendas de uma grande Ind??stria Farmac??utica. Cada Gerente teve identificado seu Estilo de Mobiliza????o atrav??s do Diagn??stico M.A.R.E.?? de Orienta????es Motivacionais e este relacionado ??s notas dadas ?? produtividade de sua equipe fornecidas pela empresa, buscando identificar a exist??ncia de uma rela????o entre o resultado da equipe e o estilo de mobiliza????o de seu l??der. No decorrer deste estudo percebeu-se a grande diferen??a de comportamento das pessoas frente aos desafios do dia-a-dia de uma empresa e quanto o fator humano tem sido respons??vel pelo resultado obtido. Para possibilitar uma adequada reflex??o sobre o tema de lideran??a, este estudo est?? baseado em autores como Bass, Bennis, Burns, Maquiavel, Nannus e Spector e quanto aos aspectos de motiva????o os autores escolhidos foram Alderfer, Herzberg, Maslow, McClelland, McGregor, Mitchel, Sinha, Vroom, Zoltners e Zoltners. Os Estilos de Mobiliza????o identificados s??o baseados nas contribui????es de Coda e Ricco aos estudos de Erich Fromm. A utiliza????o de indicadores de performance facilitou a identifica????o dos resultados das equipes para compara????o aos Estilos de Mobiliza????o. Este fator determina a import??ncia da utiliza????o de crit??rios padr??es para que haja uma mensura????o adequada das pessoas avaliadas, dando justi??a ao processo e garantindo aos envolvidos credibilidade no sistema. O estudo mostra que determinado estilo de mobiliza????o esta associado a resultados favor??veis de vendas, mas em contrapartida outros estilos n??o favorecem um melhor desempenho de suas equipes. O estudo associa melhor produtividade ao estilo Competidor e demonstra que o estilo Colaborador n??o est?? ligado a resultados adequados para equipes de vendas de produtos farmac??uticos. Os resultados obtidos sugerem a continuidade desta pesquisa , inicialmente em institui????es de mesmo ramo de atividade da que foi aqui estudada, visando confirmar os dados identificados, e posteriormente buscar evidenciar a rela????o entre Gestores e Estilos de Mobiliza????o na ??rea de vendas de empresas de outros segmentos, e finalmente buscar esta rela????o em outras ??reas das empresas.