Summary: | In the theoretical analysis of high speed rotor bearing systems, it is common to use
four displacement and four velocity based coefficients, which characterise the
behaviour of the lubricating fluid film. Although a great deal of work has been
published establishing theoretical models of all types of hydrodynamic journal bearings,
the large amount of experimental work has centred on relatively low speed conditions.
This work presents a contribution to the experimental study of the static and dynamic
characteristics of oil films in journal bearings used in high-speed rotating machinery.
The main objectives of the work are:
• To devise new experimental techniques for the measurement of dynamic
coefficients suitable for use at high rotational speeds
• To design, manufacture, assemble and commission a test facility to measure
the static and dynamic characteristics of journal bearings at speeds up to
30000 rpm
• To determine the static and dynamic characteristics of a 5 Pad Tilting Pad
Journal Bearing Unit of 80 mm diameter at speeds up to 25 000 rpm using the
said test facility.
New techniques are particularly necessary for the measurement of velocity coefficients
because these invoke the necessity of imposing a velocity on to the bearing housing
and previous techniques have utilised synchronous motion of the bearing.
Consequently a new experimental procedure for measuring the four velocity or
damping coefficients of an oil film journal bearing from imposed dynamic "orbits" has
been devised called the "double pulse" technique. All four velocity coefficients are
derived from one imposed journal centre dynamic orbit and, therefore may be regarded
as being obtained at the same time. The method requires the production of a "cross-
over" point similar to that of a "figure of eight" shaped orbit and utilises the "cross-over"
point therein.
Coefficients are initially evaluated in a co-ordinate system, which is chosen to align with
the designated parts of the measured orbit. Each coefficient is then evaluated from
single values of instantaneous imposed force and resulting journal centre velocity.
Coefficients are them converted into any other desired axes system. The result is a
simpler experimental procedure, with reduced uncertainty compared to hitherto existing
The use of non-sinusoidal excitation of the oil film was explored, in the form of applying
a step-pulse train load pattern to produce a cross-over pattern in the journal
displacement ·orbit'.
Experimental tests were completed on a tilting pad bearing at speeds up to 15 000 rpm
inclusive. At speeds above this, the bearing exhibited a vibrational response, which
precluded the accurate measurement of journal centre displacement.