
本研究的主要目的為: 一、發展適合國小學生使用之認知風格、學習策略、及自我效能的評量工具。 二、驗證認知風格、學習策略、與自我效能對國小學生學業成就的綜合影響。 為達成上述目的,研究者首先編選及發展適合國小學生使用之認知風格量表、學習策略量表、及學習效能自覺量表,初步修訂量表所用之受試樣本,為台南市大港國小六年級學生106名,由研究者主試,並進行編修試題及考驗信度和效度之工作。 第二部分在驗證認知風格、學習策略、及自我效能的內在因素結構,並進而探討它們對學業成就的影響。本部分研究樣本取自臺灣地區十五個縣市,其中台北市及高雄市分別隨機抽取二所學校,台灣省之縣市則隨機各抽取一所學校,再以叢集取樣法...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: 劉信雄, Liu, Hsin-Shiong
Published: 國立政治大學
Online Access:http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/cdrfb3/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&i=sid=%22G91NCCV7312012%22.
Summary:本研究的主要目的為: 一、發展適合國小學生使用之認知風格、學習策略、及自我效能的評量工具。 二、驗證認知風格、學習策略、與自我效能對國小學生學業成就的綜合影響。 為達成上述目的,研究者首先編選及發展適合國小學生使用之認知風格量表、學習策略量表、及學習效能自覺量表,初步修訂量表所用之受試樣本,為台南市大港國小六年級學生106名,由研究者主試,並進行編修試題及考驗信度和效度之工作。 第二部分在驗證認知風格、學習策略、及自我效能的內在因素結構,並進而探討它們對學業成就的影響。本部分研究樣本取自臺灣地區十五個縣市,其中台北市及高雄市分別隨機抽取二所學校,台灣省之縣市則隨機各抽取一所學校,再以叢集取樣法,在各該校中隨機抽取六年級學生一班,計抽計十七個班級,學生724名,得有效樣本699名,包括男生377名,女生322名。研究蒐集之資料,以電腦SPSS/PC+套裝統計軟體處理之,所使用之統計方法包括獨立樣本平均數差異t考驗、逐步多元迴歸分析、積差相關、線性結構關係分析(Lisrel Analysis)等。 研究結果發果: 一、男女學生在認知風格、學習策略、自我效能及學業成就上之比較 1.在「認知風格」上,僅「分類技能」一項有性別間之顯著差異,女生之分類技能顯著優於男生。 2.在「學習策略」上,女生之學習態度比較積極、學習動機比較強烈、善於時間之管理與應用、以及比較善用專心策略;在方法上,女生顯著地比男生善用學習輔助術、以及善用自我測驗的技巧。 3.在「自我效能」各分量表上,女生之國語科學習效能顯著高於男生;然而在數學科學習效能上,男生顯得高於女生;但是在一般學習效能與總自我效能方面,性別間無顯著差。  4.在「學業成就」上,男女學生在國語科及數學科的學業成績,沒有顯著差異。 二、影響「國語科」學業成就的主要預測變項 在認知風格方面為空間技能、記憶技能、及分析技能;在學習策略方面為動機、同時處理、摘錄要點、學習輔助、焦慮等五策略變項。上述進入逐步回歸分析的預測變項,其解釋力男生約為29%,女生約為32%。 三、影響「數學科」學業成就的主要預測變項 在認知風格方面為空間技能、分析技能、分析技能及記憶技能;在學習策略方面為動機、摘錄要點二項。全部進入多元逐步回歸的預測變項,其解釋量約為25-28%。 四、有關認知風格、學習策略、與自我效能的驗證性因素分析 1、屬於「認知風格」之七個心理學變項,及「自我效能」之三個觀察變項,對潛在變項的因素負荷量,均達統計上之顯著水準。 2、焦慮分量表在學習策略潛在變項上的λ係數負荷量未達統計上的顯著水準。 五、有關認知風格、學習策略、自我效能、與學業成就間之結構模式分析 (一)從整體模式適合度來看 由十九個觀察變項(剔除焦慮量表後)建構之三個潛在自變項,對潛在依變項(學業成就)構成影響的理論模式,研究結果顯示,有調整的必要。 (二)從三個潛在自變項與學業成就之關係來看 1.認知風格與學業成就之相關係數為.983,其Gamma係數.941,是影響國小學生學業成就重要因素。 2.學習策略與學業成就之相關係數為.448,其Gamma係數.232,其影響力均達統計上之顯著水準。 3.自我效能與學業成就之相關係數為.440(p<.05),其Gamma係數為-.066(p>.05),未達統計上之顯著水準。 4.就三個潛在自變項之關係來看: (1)學習策略與自我效能有高的相關(r=.74)。 (2)認知風格與學習策略的相關較低(r=.28)。 (3)認知風格與自我效能也有中下程度的相關(r=.35)。 六、結論 (一)本研究所發展的三種評工具中,「國小學生認知風格量表」、及「國小學生學習效能自覺量表」的內在建構尚佳。而「國小學生學習策略量表」在焦慮分量表上,有加以調整的必要。 (二)「認知風格」與「學習策略」對國小學生學業成就都有顯著的影響,尤其認知風格具有很高的影響。 (三)「自我效能」對國小學生學業成就之影響尚不顯著,有待進一步研究與探討。The main purposes of this study were to develop the measurement scales for evaluating the cognitive style, learning strategies, and self-efficacy for the elementary school children; and to study the effectiveness of these latent factors on their academic achievement. The subjects were cluster sampling from 15 cities and counties around the Taiwan area, consisting of 377 male and 322 female students, who are enrolled in sixth grade of regular schools. The data obtained were treated with SPSS/PC+ statistic package, by using t-test, stepwise multiple regression analysis, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and Lisrel analysis. The study has the following findings: 1.The girl students were significant better on categorization skill of cognitive style than the boy’s. 2.The girl students were significant better on the subscale of Attitude, Motivation, Time Management, Concentration, Study Aids, and Self Testing of learning strategies than the boy’s. 3.The girl students were significant better in Chinese Learning Efficacy, while the boy students got a significant high score on the Mathematic Learning Efficacy. 4.There were no significant differences in Chinese and Mathematic achievement between the boys and the girls. 5.The main prediction variables for Chinese achievement were Spatial Skill, Memory Skill, Analytic Skill, Simultaneous Processing Skill, Motivation, Selecting Main Ideas, Study Aids, and Anxiety. The determination ratio of these variables were up to about 32%. 6.The main prediction variables for mathematic achievement were Spatial Skill, Analytic Skill, Categorization Skill, Memory Skill, Motivation, and Selecting Main Ideas. The determination ratio of these variables were up to about 28%. 7.The factor loading of Anxiety on latent factor of the Learning Strategy were not significantly supported. 8.There were high and positive correlation between cognitive style and academic achievement(r=.98, γ=.94). 9.There were middle and positive correlation between Learning Strategy and Academic Achievement(r=.45, γ=.23). 10.The self-efficacy were no significant impact on the academic achievement for the children (r=.44, γ=-.066). 11.The validity of “The scale of Cognitive Style for Children” and “The Chilren Scale of Learning-Efficacy” Were supportly examined, while “The Children Scale of Learning Strategies” were suggested to modify the subscale of Anxiety. 12.Both the latent factors of cognitive style and learning strategy were testified a significantly influence on the academic achievement. === The main purposes of this study were to develop the measurement scales for evaluating the cognitive style, learning strategies, and self-efficacy for the elementary school children; and to study the effectiveness of these latent factors on their academic achievement. The subjects were cluster sampling from 15 cities and counties around the Taiwan area, consisting of 377 male and 322 female students, who are enrolled in sixth grade of regular schools. The data obtained were treated with SPSS/PC+ statistic package, by using t-test, stepwise multiple regression analysis, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and Lisrel analysis. The study has the following findings: 1.The girl students were significant better on categorization skill of cognitive style than the boy’s. 2.The girl students were significant better on the subscale of Attitude, Motivation, Time Management, Concentration, Study Aids, and Self Testing of learning strategies than the boy’s. 3.The girl students were significant better in Chinese Learning Efficacy, while the boy students got a significant high score on the Mathematic Learning Efficacy. 4.There were no significant differences in Chinese and Mathematic achievement between the boys and the girls. 5.The main prediction variables for Chinese achievement were Spatial Skill, Memory Skill, Analytic Skill, Simultaneous Processing Skill, Motivation, Selecting Main Ideas, Study Aids, and Anxiety. The determination ratio of these variables were up to about 32%. 6.The main prediction variables for mathematic achievement were Spatial Skill, Analytic Skill, Categorization Skill, Memory Skill, Motivation, and Selecting Main Ideas. The determination ratio of these variables were up to about 28%. 7.The factor loading of Anxiety on latent factor of the Learning Strategy were not significantly supported. 8.There were high and positive correlation between cognitive style and academic achievement(r=.98, γ=.94). 9.There were middle and positive correlation between Learning Strategy and Academic Achievement(r=.45, γ=.23). 10.The self-efficacy were no significant impact on the academic achievement for the children (r=.44, γ=-.066). 11.The validity of “The scale of Cognitive Style for Children” and “The Chilren Scale of Learning-Efficacy” Were supportly examined, while “The Children Scale of Learning Strategies” were suggested to modify the subscale of Anxiety. 12.Both the latent factors of cognitive style and learning strategy were testified a significantly influence on the academic achievement.