Summary: | 欲建構一個全方位的電影基地,實為龐大且複雜的計劃。臺中市政府新聞局於2011年開始規劃並落實建構的「中臺灣電影推廣園區」,研究者為該計畫決策執行兼推動者,故以行動研究的親身參與及實際觀察法,透過反省與修正探索建構一個全方位電影基地過程中,其關鍵問題與因應策略的現象及影響;歸納分析因各不同環境或人為因素變動,以及所選擇因應策略對產出結果的影響。期待本研究結果能成為未來類似計畫之參考。
=== The objective is to build an all-purpose movie operational base and overcome any possible complications regardless the scale of them. The Information Bureau of Taichung City Government has started implementing the construction of “ Mid-Taiwan Movie Promotion Park” since 2011. The research unit for this particular project is also the project promoter and the executor. In other words, this project researcher was able to personally participate and inspect the production process through in person observation where the researcher could reflect on the adjustment made to target key issues in the park establishing process. The project researcher categorizes and analyzes these the park establishment strategy and analyzed results may also be affected by various human and environment factors. The purpose of this research is to have the analysis brought to the public and thus makes a positive impact for similar future projects.
The researcher utilizes a system circulation concept and further demonstrates and clarifies this concept via diagram and visual presentation. The system circulation concept not only compares the result after modifications and the initial goal, but also bridges the relation between the result and the initial goal. The research reveals the following listed below:
1.The relationship between movies related policies and city marketing could be direct, positive, and constructive simultaneously.
2.It is typical that unpredictable barriers appear during the construction period.
3.Friendly constructive communication and coordination could be a key factor that affects the project outcome.
4.Appropriate response could result a better-then-expected outcome.
Suggested strategies according to the research listed below:
1.An all-purpose movie culture and its related industries policies should be supported and promoted in a persistent and everlasting manner.
2.Although proposed plan may not always implement accordingly, the big picture is to stay adhere to goal, purpose, and principle and continue to cultivate talents.
3.It is particularly important to reason rationally and coordinate to reach a mutual aim when parties express difference aspirations and perspectives.
4.Changes could motivate breakthrough and, at the same time, it is crucial to keep the past in the back of the mind and note from the it.