Summary: | 長久以來音樂於人們生活中扮演著極為重要角色,在大多數人的成長過程裡或多或少皆有令其印象深刻之旋律。然而這些旋律常由專業人士所創作,對於未接受過專業訓練的民眾而言,若欲創作自己專屬之音樂難度甚高,而此目標也變得遙不可及。
=== Music plays as an essential role in human life and it affects the listeners on a certain extent. However, a pleasing music is the production of musicians and is difficult to be created by novices without musical specialty. To lower the entry point of music creation, this thesis design and develop a music accompaniment system on Android with the characteristics of intuitive input and ubiquity for novices without professional music background.
The developed system consists of the following modules, main melody preprocessing (key determination and melody modification), music similarity retrieval, main melody post processing (music motif variance), chord accompaniment (Hidden Markov Model and mixing main melody and chord melody) and text processing (tone determination and pitch finding) to automatically match the accordance between melodies and chords that are inputted by patting or word.
Thirty-eight participants were invited for system evaluation using the observational experiment. Nearly 75% of participants perceived that the melody and chord matching fits their musical motivations, while 90% stated that they can rely on the system to easily produce desirable music. Our findings contribute to the essence of music creation that the system provides a simplified interface for novice being immersed in music accomplishments, similar to that of professional musicians.