Summary: | 癌症至今已連續蟬聯並高居國人十大死因之首,由於癌症初期病患接受適時治療的存活率較高,因此若能「早期發現,早期診斷,早期治療」則可降低死亡率。本文所引用的資料庫,是經由「表面強化雷射解吸電離飛行質譜技術」(SELDI-TOF-MS)所擷取建置的蛋白質質譜儀資料,包括兩筆高維度資料:一筆為攝護腺癌症,另一筆則為頭頸癌症。然而蛋白質質譜儀資料常因維度變數繁雜眾多,對於資料的存取容量及運算時間而言,往往造成相當沉重的負擔與不便;有鑑於此,本文之目的即在探討將高維度資料經由維度縮減後,找出分錯率最小化之分析方法,希冀提高癌症病例資料分類的準確性。
本研究分為實驗組及對照組兩部分,實驗組是以主成份分析(Principal Component Analysis,PCA)進行維度縮減,再利用支持向量機(Support Vector Machine,SVM)予以分類,最後藉由重疊法(Overlap)以期改善分類效果;對照組則是以支持向量機直接進行分類。分析結果顯示,重疊法對於攝護腺癌症具有顯著的改善效果,但對於頭頸癌症的改善效果卻不明顯。此外,本研究也探討關於蛋白質質譜儀資料之質量範圍,藉以確認專家學者所建議的質量範圍是否與分析結果相互一致。在攝護腺癌症中的原始資料,專家學者所建議的質量範圍以外,似乎仍隱藏著重要的相關資訊;在頭頸癌症中的原始資料,專家學者所建議的質量範圍以外,對於研究分析而言則並沒有實質上的幫助。 === Cancer has been the number one leading cause of death in Taiwan for the past 24 years. Early detection of this disease would significantly reduce the mortality rate. The database adopted in this study is from the Protein Mass Spectrometry Data Sets acquired and established by “Surface-Enhanced Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry” (SELDI-TOF-MS) technique, including the Prostate Cancer and Head/Neck Cancer Data Sets. However, because of its high dimensionality, dealing the analysis of the raw data is not easy. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to search a feasible method, putting the dimension reduction and minimizing classification errors in the same time.
The data sets are separated into the experimental and controlled groups. The first step of the experimental group is to use dimension reduction by Principal Component Analysis (PCA), following by Support Vector Machine (SVM) for classification, and finally Overlap Method is used to reduce classification errors. For comparison, the controlled group uses SVM for classification. The empirical results indicate that the improvement of Overlap Method is significant in the Prostate Cancer case, but not in that of the Head/Neck case. We also study data range suggested according to the expert opinions. We find that there is information hidden outside the data range suggested by the experts in the Prostate Cancer case, but not in the Head/Neck case.