Summary: | 本文探討我國銀行業執行盈餘管理的動機、工具及經濟後果。其中本研究以增額稅負的角度去探討銀行從事盈餘管理的經濟後果,本文就經濟後果的部分主要是以稅負的角度出發,是否銀行會因為盈餘管理而產生稅負成本為主要探討方向。
=== This study investigates the motivation, tools and economic consequences of earnings management of bankings. In particular, the main issue of this study is to investigate whether incremental tax is the economic consequences of bankings conducting earnings management.
My results show that the listed bankings that issue the stocks in securities exchange markets have stronger earnings management. In other words, listed bankings will conduct earnings management to alleviate the pressure from the capital markets. Furthermore, this study also find two estimated equations of the tools of earnings management of the bankings: (1) discretionary loans provision and (2)discretionary gain and loss on sale of securities. I find no evidence to claim there are tax costs for the bankings engaging in earnings management.