Summary: | 本文取徑經濟學的公共財概念,試圖從此一角度出發探討頻譜管理從「稀有論」轉向「公有論」的論述正當性,並釐清管理模式與財貨特性之關連。根據研究結果,頻譜資源的原始狀態雖符合公共財定義,但並非任何人所有,其財貨特性會隨著科技發展和法律制度而變動,因此「頻譜公有」的論述並未獲得專家學者支持。
=== This research argues that the scarcity rationale could be replaced by public spectrum rationale. The research results show that although the nature of spectrum resource is public good by economic definition, it doesn’t mean the resources are owned by the public. Therefore, the ownership of resources should be clearly defined under the law to prevent users from interfering with each other.
For spectrum used in private sector, the allocative efficiency is important for some valuable blocks of spectrum such as 800MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz, 2600MHz. To improve allocative efficiency, the research result suggest that the government could legislate specific laws on spectrum management, while allowing users to decide how they want to make use of the resources.
In the long run, wireless communication technology will keep developing. As long as signal interference can be controlled under specific conditions, spectrum sharing including common regime and license-exempt use should be adopted. A government plays the key role which not only provides management service but should also have a systematic plan for improving spectrum efficiency.