Summary: | 2011年政府開放大陸學生來臺修讀學位,陸生來臺成為兩岸關係發展重大里程碑之一,本研究採用深度訪談之方式,選取政治大學2013-2014年間在校之交換陸生及學位陸生共18人為訪談對象,就來臺求學動機、在臺適應情況與陸生政策效果等三個面向,探討開放陸生來臺政策之影響:(1)在來臺動機方面,分別從吸引和阻礙陸生來臺不同原因切入,討論其對於陸生來臺積極促進或消極阻礙的影響;(2)在適應情況方面,依來臺前後預期想法與實際情況之差別,以及受訪者調整適應方式和校方協助建議等角度,分析陸生在臺適應問題與所需協助;(3)在政策效果方面,以受訪者對於臺灣發展情況正面肯定與負面批判之印象,和現行陸生政策對兩岸關係發展影響及未來政策調整方向之建議,進行政策相關影響評估。
=== In 2011, the government implemented the policy to accept Mainland China students to study in Taiwan, which is regarded as one milestone of cross-straits relationship. In the study, interviewing method was employed to reveal influence and effect of the policy. The interviewees included in total 18 degree and exchange students from Mainland China who studied at National Chengchi University in 2013 and 2014, and they were asked questions in following three aspects.
First, in terms of the motivation, the interview probed into factors that attract and hinder Mainland China students to study in Taiwan, furthermore discussed the factors’ influence. Second, in respect of adjustment, the study analyzed problems faced by Mainland China students to adapt to new conditions and what kind of assistance they require, mainly based on the answers to whether there is gap between interviewees’ anticipation and reality and how they adjust themselves internally and externally. Third, concerning effects of policy, the interview covered the participants’ impressions on development of Taiwan and advice on current policy of Mainland China students, thereby evaluated influence and effect of the policy.
By collecting and analyzing interviewing records, the study concluded the response of degree and exchange Mainland China students at National Chengchi University, demonstrating conclusions and causality of their incentives and barriers to studying in Taiwan, their adjustment and problems in new environment, their perspectives on development of Taiwan and policy of Mainland China students. The findings of the study will provide universities in Taiwan with informative sources for attracting more Mainland China students and understanding their need. In addition, some advice on the policy of Mainland China students are presented for the educational administration to maximize the strengths whilst minimizing the shortcomings.
Key words: the policy of accepting Mainland China students studying in Taiwan, exchange students from Mainland China, degree students from Mainland China