Summary: | 在全球化、區域經濟整合的時代來臨,兩岸金融隨著世界貿易組織的規範而向全球開放,台灣銀行業將面臨嚴峻的挑戰與機會,且因國內金融市場過度競爭,以及台商全球化布局,為滿足客戶的跨國金融需求,國內金融機構日益著重於海外市場布局,逐漸走向區域化、國際化發展已成必然的趨勢。然而面對瞬息萬變的國際市場,台灣銀行業如何因應環境趨勢,因勢而變,適時轉型,以提升其國際競爭力,並保持永續成長的動能,實為國內銀行業重要的經營議題。
本研究選擇頗受國際財經專業雜誌肯定的個案銀行為例,個案銀行連續多年被國際財經專業雜誌選為台灣地區最佳銀行,在台灣市場的外匯交易、貿易融資、現金管理、網路銀行、財富管理、投資銀行、債券交易與聯貸等業務皆於國內同業領先之地位。本研究試圖分析目前台灣銀行業與個案銀行在現行的海外市場營運面臨之問題與挑戰,並探究個案銀行如何依循其企業願景,擬定海外擴張策略,並決定經營目標和經營方針,然後透過新商業模式的建立,將其所擁有的資源,進行分配和調整,複製台灣成功經驗,建置亞太地區交易型金融平台,有效連結海外分行平台,使得銀行可以建立以客戶為中心的核心價值,以經營客戶全面關係管理為主軸,深入掌握不同客戶區隔的需求與市場脈動,提供最貼切的金融解決方案與服務,以獲得可持續之競爭優勢。 === As a combined result of globalization, economic zone integration, and increased cross strait openness stipulated by WTO rules, Taiwan’s banking industry is now experiencing both intense challenges and increased opportunities. As Taiwanese companies have become more internationalized and Taiwan’s local banking market remains hypercompetitive – Taiwan banks have increasingly focused on building up overseas platforms to meet customers’ financial needs. In short, maintaining competitiveness and growth expectations within this dynamic business environment is a top goal for Taiwanese banks.
In our research we look at “Case Bank”, which has been designated ‘The Best Bank in Taiwan’ by several financial magazines. Case Bank is a market leader in FX trade, transactional based lending products, cash management, net banking services, wealth and investment management, bond trading, and syndication. Our research assesses the challenges that both Case Bank and other Taiwanese banks face with respect to overseas platforms. Our study also looks at how Case Bank has executed its overseas strategic objectives including, management strategy, business objectives, resource allocation, transaction platforms, and networking synergies.
Overall, our research concludes that Taiwan banks’ best practices with respect to developing overseas business model include: focus on customer-centric core values, relationship management, understanding demand by segment and industry, and providing superior financial solutions.