Summary: | 「公平」概念始於西方的社會交換和公平理論,據目前研究,已知公平感乃維繫親密關係滿意的關鍵。當個體覺得親密關係愈公平,會愈滿意、快樂,關係也會趨於穩定;而當個體在關係中因不公平而感到痛苦時,會尋求能提升公平感的因應方式,此即「儲存公平」。然目前西方與台灣皆尚未發展出儲存公平的量化工具,本研究係針對此點,以台灣未婚的大學生和研究生作為研究對象,回顧中西相關文獻,歸納出「和諧忍讓」、「直接溝通」、「自我成長」、「放棄關係」四個儲存公平策略,並編製成量表,經預試及正式施測後,量表的內部一致性α為 .820,解釋變異量百分比達56.718%,顯示信效度俱佳。本研究以儲存公平策略量表為工具,探討中華文化脈絡中的年輕未婚學生族群在面臨各種不公平情形時,兩性所採取的「儲存公平策略」是否產生差異。
=== Equity theory unveils the important role of equity – people rely on equity to decide whether to leave or stay in relationships. Many researches had already proved that “equity” is connected to satisfaction and happiness. Furthermore, “inequity”, according to social support theory, can be classified to emotional, tangible and informational, simulates people to find solutions to balance their relationships; and the solutions to gain equity are called “equity restoring”. This study aims to develop “Equity Restoring Strategy Scale” to discover how people cope with unequal situations in premarital romantic relationships, and to investigate if gender differences exist.
Equity Restoring Strategy Scale is consisted of four strategies, which refer to self-growth, tolerance, leaving the field and communication. Analysis results exhibit that gender differences exist in strategy choosing. Male prefer both self-growth and tolerance in all kind of inequities, whereas female choose only self-growth when dealing informational inequity and global inequity.