Summary: | 本研究以2003至 2008年間國內上市櫃公司為研究對象,探討公司治理與股票市場流動性之關聯性。公司治理機制包括董事長兼任總經理、外部董監事持股、管理當局持股、機構投資者持股、家族型態以及控制權與盈餘分配權偏離程度,並以買賣價差作為衡量市場流動性之變數。
=== This thesis attempts to examine the influence of corporate governance on stock market liquidity by observing the publicly listed and OTC companies in Taiwan in the period from 2003 to 2008. The governance mechanisms used in this thesis include CEO duality, outside director ownership, management ownership, institutional ownership, family ownership and deviation between ultimate control and ownership. And we use bid-ask spreads to measure market liquidity.
The empirical findings of this study are as follows. Firms with greater outside director seats or foreign institutional ownership are negatively associated with bid-ask spreads and positively associated with market liquidity. While firms with greater management ownership, family ownership, and deviation between voting rights and cash-flow rights, are positively related with bid-ask spreads and negatively related with market liquidity.