
在現今這個「宅經濟」漸漸蓬勃的的年代,上網購物變成一種新興的購物 型態與休閒娛樂的管道,越來越多人選擇上網採購以免除出外購物所耗損 的時間跟精力。因此,網路拍賣開始受到許多人的歡迎,舉凡吃、穿、用 的,都可以在拍賣的世界中找到各式商品。但是,網路購物雖然方便,卻 也因為消費者無法直接接觸賣方與商品而使得糾紛事件層出不窮。因此, 多數消費者對於網路購物一直存有或多或少的知覺風險。在缺乏面對面接 觸下,網路口碑變成消費者是否購買此一商品的重要考量。而拍賣網站中 所提供的評價機制,就是一種消費者藉由口碑來了解賣方的管道。因此, 本研究試圖探討賣方的評價內容留言,對消費者購買意願與知覺風險的影 響。透...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: 彭思柔
Published: 國立政治大學
Online Access:http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/cdrfb3/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&i=sid=%22G0096461005%22.
Summary:在現今這個「宅經濟」漸漸蓬勃的的年代,上網購物變成一種新興的購物 型態與休閒娛樂的管道,越來越多人選擇上網採購以免除出外購物所耗損 的時間跟精力。因此,網路拍賣開始受到許多人的歡迎,舉凡吃、穿、用 的,都可以在拍賣的世界中找到各式商品。但是,網路購物雖然方便,卻 也因為消費者無法直接接觸賣方與商品而使得糾紛事件層出不窮。因此, 多數消費者對於網路購物一直存有或多或少的知覺風險。在缺乏面對面接 觸下,網路口碑變成消費者是否購買此一商品的重要考量。而拍賣網站中 所提供的評價機制,就是一種消費者藉由口碑來了解賣方的管道。因此, 本研究試圖探討賣方的評價內容留言,對消費者購買意願與知覺風險的影 響。透過實驗法,架設兩種情境。情境A讓受試者接收正面評價內容,而情 境B則讓受試者觀看負面評價內容。本研究對象皆為有網路購物經驗的大學 生與研究生,共收集了126份有效樣本,根據研究結果分析,所得結論有三: 一、賣方良好評價留言會減少買方的知覺風險,而極差評價留言會增加買 方知覺風險的程度。 二、知覺風險越高,購買意願則越低。 三、賣方的評價留言對買方的購買意願有顯著影響。 === Many consumers often hesitate to buy product on-line because of the perceived risk of losing money and the feeling of uncertainty about the credibility of the sellers. Therefore, many auction sites have built feedback systems in order to provide consumers a tool of reference when engaging in online shopping activities. This study conducts an experiment in order to investigate how feedback comments may influence consumers’ level of perceived risk and their purchase intention. The research mainly focuses on two different patterns of feedback comments (Outstanding comments and abysmal comments) in an online auction market, to see if these comments affect consumers’ level of perceived risk and their purchase intention. The research subjects are college and graduate school students who have previous online shopping experiences. In total, this study collects 126 validated samples. According to the research results, there are three main conclusions: 1. Seller’s outstanding feedback comments will decrease buyer’s perceived risk in online shopping; on the contrary, seller’s abysmal feedback comments will increase buyer’s perceived risk. 2. If the buyer has lower perceived risk, the purchase intention will be higher. 3. Seller’ feedback comments will influence buyer’s purchase intention.